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Kai watches her fall asleep while slowly patting her shoulder. She looks calm and peaceful sitting there in his arms, unaware of the world. He remembers the look she had on her face earlier that morning, the way she had stuck out her wrist with a look of sheer panic. Looking down, he picks up her wrist to examine it, running a finger over her smooth unblemished skin. There wasn't anything there on her skin that should cause her such worry, yet he had a feeling there was. That there is something he can't see.

Maybe that's why she had asked to come along. Maybe she wanted to find someone who could see whatever it is she had tried to show him. A feeling of frustration wells up inside of him for being unable to help her the longer he looks at her wrist and seeing nothing.

Kai gently moves her so that she now lay on the couch, getting up and stretching his limbs. Looking outside, he can see how the sky is slowly being dyed orange as the sun sets over the horizon. I'll let her sleep for a few more minutes, he thinks, glancing down at her.

He decides that a walk around the villa they're staying in would be a good idea. It has been such a long time since Kai had last set foot on Mount Olympus, and he was surprised by how little everything had changed. It looked the same as it was all those many thousands of years ago when he had come to negotiate with his brother about taking Persephone.

Thinking about Zeus brings a scowl to Kai's face, but he closes his eyes and in an instant, he is standing before the palace again. Speak of the devil, Kai laughs internally seeing his brother waiting for him. "Were you waiting?" Kai asks with a smirk.

"So, what was it that brought you here?" Zeus asks, dodging Kai's question.

Kai chuckles, knowing his brother wouldn't admit it to save his pride, and begins to speak in a low voice as they walk inside a small garden to the side of the palace, taking a seat under a gazebo. He tells him of what has been happening in the Underworld and what had happened to the current Persephone, and his theories based on what she had told him. At the same time, his brother listens attentively.

"What do you think? I believe her words. If our father does return, he will cause chaos. It's already been enough trouble for me to keep the Underworld in order," Kai concludes, dropping his head onto his crossed arms on the table.

Zeus remains silent as he thinks. "Bring her over later," he simply says then stands from his seat. "We'll have a banquet prepared as a welcome for you two. It has been a rather long time since everyone had last seen you, and I'm sure everyone would like to meet your..." he trails off.

"My soulmate," Kai finishes.

"Hahaha! To think a god would ever have a soulmate! Well, good for you. As for me, I'm off to see to my other duties." Zeus waves a hand and walks off, leaving Kai alone.

Kai rubs a hand over his brows as he chuckles at his brother's behaviour. Leaving the garden behind, he strolls back out, glancing behind his shoulder to watch his brother making his way back into the palace. Kai could see the calm confidence in Zeus' steps, his thoughts turning nostalgic, he has certainly grown much over the years we have not seen each other.

Continuing down the main road back to the villa, watching the way the citizens of Olympus seemed to hide their faces and avoid his gaze as he walked past them.

"Oh, if it isn't Brother Hades?" a female voice calls out, sounding less than friendly. "What are you doing here on Olympus?"

Kai turns towards the voice to see Aphrodite standing under the shade of a tree, her platinum blonde hair seemingly glowing from the light of the setting sun. Kai suppresses the need to sigh and ignores her, choosing to turn away to avoid her caustic words that he is more than familiar with.

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