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''He's not here, again

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''He's not here, again.''

Montgomery jumped when Devin Greene pushed her thumb forward against her wooden pencil, allowing the utensil to break in half thanks to her strength that grew from rage.

The wooden piece rolled over to his side of the table as she seethed, ''Where the hell is he?''

Shrugging his shoulders, Montgomery leaned forward and folded his arms on the table, suggesting, ''Maybe he's skipping again.''

Her gaze averted from the opening of her corner to Montgomery, her anger visible to anyone with common sense. Clearly, Montgomery didn't have any if he was willing to say something so bluntly.

''Don't test me, de la Cruz,'' She threatens, the demeaning and low voice she used against him clarified how vexed she was, meaning she was in no mood for jokes.

''I can't test you if it's the truth.''

She throws the last piece of the pencil, satisfied when she witness the piece bounce off of his forward.

''Ouch,'' He hissed.

''Ever thought that maybe, I didn't want to hear the truth?''

Her words really sunk in and they sunken deep. Almost like a cut.

Just yesterday, Montgomery de la Cruz had Devin Greene at the balm of his hands like putty. Now there was nothing but a cold vibrant vibe that signaled the point, that Devin wanted nothing to do with him.

She didn't even want nothing to do with herself.

All night long, she couldn't help but mentally replay the events from the day before. Nothing can hide in the dark forever, no matter how buried deep. A flashlight can shine on her actions any time of the day and has Devin Greene never felt stuck in her life.

''Devin!'' Ryan Shaver exclaims, speeding into the corner Devin and Montgomery sat in. ''Just the girl, I wanted to see.-''

''Not now, Ryan,'' Devin automatically shoots down.

''Yeah, man,'' Montgomery nods. ''She's not in the mood.''

Peeking a quick glance at Devin who was lost in a daze, Ryan points a finger at her and turns to Montgomery. ''But, I need to ask her a few questions. It's-''

''Bro, I don't care what it is,'' He waves him off. ''She's not in the mood. Ask her later.''

Ryan takes this into consideration and shrugs his shoulders. ''Alright.''

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