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"One more step."

The harsh tundra of Snowden vanished entirely as the world around you seemed to transform. There was a slight humidity to the air, accompanied by the lazy hum of crickets as they began to play their evening lullaby. As if by magic, your breathing seemed to echo from all around you, joining in with the crickets, creating a wonderful melody.

"It's beautiful." You sunk to your knees and allowed your hand to brush a smooth blade of grass. You continued to trail it across the plants and stopped it at what felt like a flower. Curiously, you allowed your hands to make out the general shape of the plant.

"This is called an echo flower," Sans murmured into your ear, sliding down next to you. Again, you felt chills run through your spine as he brushed against you to pluck the flower from the ground. "It repeats everything you say."

A light murmur followed, barely detectable. This is called an echo flower, an imitation of Sans' voice seemed to come from the flower. It repeats everything you say.

A giggle escaped your lips and almost instantaneously, it was replayed by the dozens of echo flowers that surrounded the two of you. Nearby flowers picked up the trace of noise and began to replay it until it seemed that the entire Underground would be able to hear your laughter.

With Sans' guidance, he led you to the bank of a nearby stream. You allowed your feet to dangle over the edge, flinching at first when you felt the coolness of the water and then relaxed slightly, intaking the peacefulness of your surroundings. You felt a haze settle over your mind and you found your head slowly moving to the right, settling on Sans' shoulder.

With a flash of pity, you noticed that he slightly recoiled from the contact, as if he had imagined you as Papyrus for a brief moment, preparing to beat him. Slowly, he allowed his head to lean against yours. There was a light thudding noise as the two of your heads made contact, which the echo flowers were keen on picking up.

"Why wouldn't anyone want to live here?" you whispered, trailing your finger in the dirt. Your hand flexed anxiously, resisting the urge to scratch at the flowers that now adorned your face.

You felt your head lifted slightly as Sans shrugged. "I have no clue." If you had been able to see, you would have noticed the mischievous smirk that was growing on his face. "Maybe it's because they dump all the waste into the river. You know the pebbles you're feeling right now? Those aren't pebbles."

"That's disgusting!" You let out a muffled cry of disgust and flung yourself away from the river. There was the light airy sound of his laughter that filled the calm landscape around you, once magnified by the echo flowers, seemed to put you in a trance, almost making you forget of the dangerous world you now resided in.


Flowey, whom had awaken from a rather comfortable nap on your shoulder, couldn't resist to not join in the fun. "Where do you think we get all the fertilizer from?" he laughed.

"You're all so immature!" you shouted in mock disgust. Sans doubled over in a fit of laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Poop jokes aren't always the best..." Flowey began.

"But they're a solid number two!" Sans finished in a howl of laughter. You couldn't stifle the laugh that had been threatening to spill over for quite some time now. You pretended to throw your hands up in a gesture of mock disgust and walked away.

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