Is cheating okay?

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I walk out my new sex ed class with my new friend, Ricky. He puts his arms around me

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend!" I appologize. He looks at me confused.

"Okay? Don't you know cheating is okay?" I look at him. Is cheating okay?

"Ive got to go to second period!" I say quickly.

"Catch you later!" Ricky yells. I smile and walk away. 

                                                                7th period

I walk into class and take my seat. Mr phillips walks into the room

"Good afternoon class! Nick have you answered the starter?" the new "emo" kid looks up. He looks horrified.

"I uh!" he says nervously.  

"Uh the answer is, a comma, You need to pt a comma right there!" I say trying to help Nick. He looks at me. I smile at him. Mr, Phillips looks at me

"Thanks Jason!" He flashes his perfect smile at me. I blush and turn away

"Fags," Someone says to loadly. Mr. Phillips clears his throat

"Exsuse me?" He says angerly. The kid tenses up! And it just so happen the kid sits behind me! "Principal office!" Mr. Phillips says, looking down. 



they kid gets up and leaves. I look at Mr. Phillips. who is walking to his seat I get up and meet him at his desk.

"Are you okay?" I ask him I see a tear drop on to his paper. "Im going to the rest room!" I walk to the door and see Ricky. He flashes a smile at me. I walk up to him.

"He-" He smashes his lips aginst mine. I pull away

"What are you doing!" He pulls me into the bath room! "No Ricky! I can't!" He looks down

"Are you being for real?" I look into his eyes... Blood shot! Hes high right now

"I'm sorry! I have to think about it." The bell rings! "Ive got to go vack to class!" I walk out of the bath room to see people filing out into the halls.  I sprint to Mr. Phillips room.

"Jason!" He says 

"Im so sorry!" 



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