I got tagged. Again

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Tagged by: MadisonCianciarulo
Lets do this

1. My uncle is an animator
2. World of Goo was the first video game I played that I still play today
3. I have a little sister who I'm 99.99% sure is possessed
4. Unlike some people, I'm actually happy when I get tagged. It makes me feel like people actually know I exist.
5. I like to make references to my fandom hell(come join Heather in Hell)
whenever I can

I don't have 15 people to tag, sense it feels kinda awkward for me... not to mention that there aren't even 15 people who read my crap, so if you're reading this, do it if you want, or don't. Doing it this way is less awkward for me.

(Sorry it took me so long to get this up. If you want more of an explanation, go to my book with the WiFi symbol on it. It has a bit of explanation.)

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