Chapter 2

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It had been a hard night all round but not harder then what I would face this rising.

I strapped on my stillettos and grabbed my sling on bag that held the few credits I had remaining before I swept past the slumbering male Dramthars who shared my body the night past and made my wayd down the highrise to the streets below. I decided to walk the whole way knowing I could not afford to waste any credits not till I get my first pay.

I tottered past most of my kind either slumming on the streets and selling themselves to any takers or reduced to theft and crime. I held on tightly to my bag and stayed alert knowing what to expect. Sure enough a pattering of feet was coming my way.  A snatcher. I shifted to the side just as he swooped in and stuck out my leg sending him sprawling into the dirt before me. Not missing a beat I continued to strut down the one dangerous alleyway to another as dodged and fought each attempts to vrob and molest me as I patiently made my way down to my new job.

Cluttering up to reception I stated in clear no nonsense tone,  "I'm Leeane Potts. .I'm here for the orientation."

"Pleass have a seat Mr Williams will be by to fetch you, " she replied with a professional smile that I returned.

The wait was long but not unexpected.  The Drumthars mostly did this out of spite like all bullies they would see us humble in every way they could but I was not broken nor will I ever be. I could play at humble and let the do their worst but there will come a time when the tables will turn and I will have my vengence then but first I need to meet in private with Kian.

"Miss Potts please follow me," said a man I assumed was Williams.  I snapped to my feet and followed him along the sterile white passageway to a boardroom I entered with a sense of foreboding.

Seeing the boardroom filled male Dramthars each sporting lust filled gazes directed at me spelt a new meaning for the term orientation.

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