Chapter 15

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"Ah if it isn't the happy couple," said the freaky professor. Naked and draped across his arms were his pet fucks. Slaves secured from Earth no doubt. Their tanned skin and rustic look lending the air of lush sensuality about them. They turned heads every which way as the trio passed through the throng of aristocrats.

I knew this meeting was unavoidable  but I had naturally... hoped.

"Professor," I tilted my head in acknowledgement. Beside me Lee straightened her spine no doubt disgruntled by the spectacle the professor was creating in displaying his sex slaves so openly.

"I cannot wait for the bidding to start. Can you? I can feel the credits pouring in. These beauties will no doubt fetch a bundle. You will of course be participating?" The professor was nothing if not cunning.

I would be expected to bid. As my father's son there was no other alternative. I avoided looking at Lee as I gave him a tight nod. I turned away then putting as much distance between us.

I stopped as soon as we cleared the crowd. "I'll have to," I bit out angrily at Lee. Her silence was eating at me.

"I know," she said then. Turning to me she cupped her hand to my face and said fiercely," Let me do it. Let me bid for our sex slave."

I stared down at her determination and could not have been prouder of her than at this moment.

"Choose well. She will no doubt be a spy planted to tell on us," I warned her.

Lee nodded her head then tucked her hand back into my own. "Let's go inspect the options."

Together, arm in arm, we set out to rudely ogle at the bared nude bodies on display about us. I tried not to pay them too much attention but they were riveting. Drawing my gaze to their boundless attractions.

"Her, I think."

I turned to where Lee indicated. A red head. Tanned and beautiful. Her cat green eyes and pouty lips were satisfyingly attractive but not as much as the vivacious curves she spotted. Noticing our gazes fixated on her form.She stretched out and flexed. Thrusting out her torso so that we may have a better look.

I cleared my throat, and said agreeably, " Certainly. She will do."

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