The Birds Pt. 1

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The funny thing about drugs is they always come for you in the end, man.

Adrienne's POV
When I had woken up again, the same pair or dark brown eyes were there. The redness was fainter, but also still there. I looked up at the figure for a while. The figure chuckled "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He said. I stared, I liked his voice, it was deep. I sat up but instantly regretted it. I felt light headed and nauseated. He noticed the certain change in my expression.
"Aye take it easy." He said while laying and hand on my hand and looking into my eyes. I looked at our hands and back up at him and then I slowly laid my head back on the pillow.

Dallas' POV
Even with my rep I couldn't have left her like that. So vulnerable, lord knows what could've happened to her. Lord knows...
Those things bug me. The fact that there are men who think it's okay to take advantage of women and their bodies just so they can get off. She was a pretty thing. Green eyes. I wouldn't be able to leave her there after I saw her.

'You tried to warn me, but, baby, I wanted you'

My conscience would've ate me alive. But what the fuck am I talking about? I don't have a damned conscience. I'm not supposed to-no I just don't. She was looking up at me this whole time, she looked confused. She was still adorable with her eyebrows furrowed, and her serious but curious green eyes. I felt like she could read my thoughts. She had short jet black wavy hair.

Adrienne's POV
It'd been a while when me and this stranger were having a staring contest. I sat up a little and that seemed to scare him, he jumped a little.
"Hi." I said, my voice raspy, I felt severely dehydrated. I started coughing.
"Hey, you alright," The guy said, sort of looking concerned.
He stared down at me a second. Looking like he'd been regretting doing this all for me.
"I gotta go." He said.
"Cause I gotta." He said and walked out of the hospital room. I stared at the door.

'Cause girl I'm just a bird. No i'm just another bird. Don't let make me make you fall in love with a nigga like me, like me'

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