Part 4

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There was nothing that can grab Weiss's attention as she currently laid in her bed with the image of your inured body unconsciously walking across the courtyard haunted her mind. The dreadful memory brought upon a great amount of guilt as well as causing her to shudder from the thought.

Ruby: Weiss?

The Team leader carefully waved her hand in front of the heiress.

Yang: Wow. I didn't think anything would actually freeze the Ice Queen.

Blake: Any clue as to what happened?

Ruby: Dunno, I just found her like this when I woke up.

Yang: Same.

Once again, Ruby waved her hand in front on Weiss to snap her out of her thoughts.

Ruby: Yoohoo! Weeeiiissss!

Yang: A little tough to break the ice.

Ruby: Not a good time Yang!

The blonde simply shrugged while Weiss continued to lay in her bed without a sign on life in her eyes.

Weiss: How could I be so cruel?....

The others were confused by her unusual question. It was no surprise that everyone had seen her had side but this was something that definitely peaked their curiousity. Instead of trying to snap her out of her thoughts, the rest of the team decided to listen to the heiress as she continued to speak.

Weiss: All he wanted to do was prove to everyone that they were wrong for laughing at his abilities... Yet I was part of the crowd that stepped all over him...

The three girls looked at each other to check if they knew what Weiss meant with her words. Although, Ruby eventually knew what she had meant.

Ruby: Do you mean (Y/N)?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The knocking on their door was loud enough to snap the white haired teen out of her thoughts. Yang opened the door to find the rest of Team SJFR standing there with displeased looks on their faces, especially one from the Rabbit Faunus.

Snow: Where is she?

Yang: Who?

Joanna:  Weiss.

Weiss: It's fine. Let them in.

Yang moved out of the way for your team to move inside.

Snow: You care to explain why (Y/N) has been rushed to the hospital?

The rest of Team RWBY froze after Snow had said those words. Although, Ruby was the one that was worried since she was one of the few to help you while the other two simply stood by and watched.

Weiss: ...

Snow: The nurse from the infirmary said that you were the one to bring him in

Weiss:  I don't know... I ran into him last night when he was on his way back to your dorm. Unconscious.

Snow's eyes widened after hearing Weiss. She wasn't sure what to believe since the heiress had been part of the crowd that laughed at your progress. Although the sincerity in Weiss's words left the rabbit Faunus to believe her words.

Snow: Unconscious?

The heiress nodded slowly in response.

Weiss: I don't know what happened but he wasn't even responding, there wasn't any sign of life in his eyes. 

At the moment, your team fell silent believing Weiss since her tone of voice was rather unsettling to listen.

Snow: ... We're leaving to check in on his recovery. If you'd like,  you can come with us.

The heiress didn't say anything in response but simply nodded and followed your team as they left the dorm. Ruby followed behind because she had great concern for your health.

Blake: ... I can't stand here and do nothing. I'm going too...

She opened the door to nearly run into Sun and Neptune who were stopping by, but she simply rushed past them to catch up.

Yang: *sigh* Wait for me!


Your vision was blurry as you had began to awake in a soft bed. The fading light began to continue to grow brighter from the bright lights coming from the ceiling. You were unable to see clearly since your eyes are taking their time inverting used to opening up once again.

A dark figure stood directly in front of the foot of your bed.

(Y/N): ... Where am I?...

You tried to move your arms but they were having trouble with responding to your command.

???: Do you wish to move?

The voice was unrecognizable since you have never spoken to this person.

(Y/N): ... Yeah.

???: Very well.

You could have sworn that the lights have unexpectedly switched off but they have turned on as well as your vision returning to normal. The figure, however,  revealed itself to be a pale woman with black and red veins in a black dress.

(Y/N): Who are you?

???: It's unimportant at the moment. For. Ow, how would you like to hear me out?

Back With The Others

Your team and Team RWBY were currently being escorted across the halls by one of the doctors that had aided in your recovery.

Doctor: I can't say for sure when he is going to wake up but he was lucky enough to arrive on time. If he showed up any sooner, we would have lost due to blood loss. For now, he just needs some rest since we have stitched up all of his wounds but he did suffer quite a few broken bones.

Ranger: Any idea where the injuries came from, doc?

Doctor: Judging from the cuts, he was most likely attacked by a pack of beowolves.  Must have been one hell of a pack for him to receive that many injuries.

Weiss: *in thought* He was probably exhausted when they attacked.

Doctor: We're here. Please keep in mind that he is still unconscious so keep your voice to a minimum so that he may rest.

Everybody nodded in response before the doctor opened the door but he was caught by surprise when him and everyone looked inside.

You were nowhere to be found.

To be continued!

No Matter The Cost: Weiss Schnee X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now