Part 13

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It was currently nearing the end of the first day of the tournament. You were currently in the training room once again to clear your mind of the encounter you had with Corona. Her words of warning sent a chill down your spine as it constantly repeated in your head, even now you steadily grew more worried about becoming a mindless being.

(Y/N): Let's just hope she knows what she's doing...

You continued with your small training session for a few more minutes until a certain someone has located your whereabouts.

Weiss: Ah, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!

You stopped mid swing to find Weiss approaching, although she held her weapon.

(Y/N): He-HEY!

The heiress surprised you when she suddenly attacked you with her rapier, luckily you blocked it in time.

(Y/N): What gives?

Your girlfriend gave you a smirk as she pulled back.

Weiss: Not bad.

She then lunged forward for a stab but you were able to roll to the side. Knowing what her intentions were as you quickly recovered from the dodge, you summoned you Sword of the Father and went in for the offense.

You decided to use a light swipe of the sword but it was easily blocked. So she retaliated with a swipe of her own which was also blocked by you until you realized that the strike was strong enough to make your hand shake.

Although it wasn't enough to simply take you out of the fight as you decided to back step for a moment to think. Weiss didn't exactly give you time to think as she began to rush you down with a flurry of attacks.

You could barely keep up with her attacks as the attacks were incredibly fast. Before, the attacks  would have been impossible for you to even avoid but they seemed to be much more clear. In fact, you even began to dodge the attacks instead of blocking them since the slashes were more visible by the second.

When you finally saw an opening,  you brought fourth your blade to parry the last attack to the side. The heiress was impressed by the sudden counter, although she surprised you even more when she tackled you to the ground. You fell on your bak with Weiss landing on top although you quickly maneuvered so that you were the one on top.

Weiss: *giggle* I think you've done more than just impress me (Y/N)~

You gave a light chuckle before the white haired pulled in your head for you to kiss her. The moment of passion was rather heated between you two as the kiss lasted for quite a while.

???: HEY! Take that somewhere else!!

The both of you nervously laughed after realizing that you were still in the training room with other people. You two had picked yourselves up and quickly exited the room to take your business elsewhere.

Of course, the two of you decided to return to your dorm to find that Ranger was nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): He must be spending the night back in your dorm.

Weiss: Most likely. Guess that means we have the room to ourselves~

The both of you smiled as you practically swept her off her feet and carried her to your bed. Ah yes it was going to be quite the special night for the tw-

Yang: oh Mr. Writerrr~


It was morning in Beacon Academy as you had exited the bathroom, fully dressed into your usual outfit. You looked at your bed to find Weiss still asleep, a soft smile as she continued to rest. Her peaceful form made to smile as you searched through the desk to retrieve a pen and paper,  writing a small note saying that you were going to meet with an old friend.

No Matter The Cost: Weiss Schnee X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now