Part 5

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???: Now, why don't we have a little "test"?

You were confused by the pale woman's words as the both of you stood on top of the hospital rooftop.

(Y/N): A test?

???: Yes. You see, I have given a small portion of power to allow you to recover more quickly than any normal human being. Now let's see if you can draw out that power to aid you in this little demonstration.

(Y/N): ... Alright.

The pale woman was satisfied with your answer and simply pointed in a direction.

???: There is quite a large portion of the Emerald Forest that has yet to be explored by the current generation of humans. Which is why you will locate a dead drop that contains a "gift" that I had acquired not too long ago. You will make the journey on your own and by foot. Any questions?

There were many questions that you wanted to ask this woman but there was one in particular that you needed the answer for.

(Y/N): Why are you offering to help me?

???: Because there is a special blade that is rumored to have been cursed. Not even one of my my subordinates is unable to wield it, although I have I have feeling that you can properly use it. After all, the soul of the sword personally called for your name. If you are still standing after a week, then you may keep the gift but I expect you to return the favor one day. Do you understand?

(Y/N): ... Yes, ma'am.

You were unable to see it but she was clearly letting a sinister grin after hearing an expected response. It was easy for her to tempt you with power and now her plan for destruction continues to grow.

???: Good... Don't make me regret this decision. Now move!

The mysterious woman slowly disappeared in black fog before you sprinted across the rooftop and leapt over the busy street to reach the other building. Normally, it would not have been possible for you to pull a stunt like that but something was allowing you go move more freely.

(Y/N): *exhale* Guess I didn't have to be an assassin for this...

You shook off the shock from the hard landing and continued to run across the rooftops to reach your destination. Wherever it may be since you didn't know what you were supposed to find in the forest.

Small Timeskip

(Y/N): *huff huff* Oh come on!

Of course, the first thing you encounter as you enter the Emerald Forest is a pack of beowolves. You were already worn out from the amount of running and jumping to reach the area but there was barely any time to rest as one of them charged forward. You barely dodged in time as it's claw nearly swipes your cloak but another one was ready to pounce during the distraction and flung you at a tree.

Although,  you summoned your sword and flung it at the Grimm, which impaled it but you somehow warped to your weapon. Digging out the weapon from the dead Grimm, you looked at the others with an unamused look on your face.

(Y/N): I learned this last night thanks to your friends pulling the same ambush!

The other five beowolves simply roared in response and charged at you but you were ready to counter with your Dragoon Lance. Letting out a battle cry, you charged ahead as well and dazed straight through the pack to reappear on the other side. Both parties have fallen but the Grimm vanished into black dust while you simple fell to your knees in exhaustion.

(Y/N): damn...

With your spear returning to its pocket dimension, you have fallen on the front side of your body and nearly passed out. Even if your wounds had fully recovered, the fatigue from the night before lingered about until you eventually blacked out.

Hours Later

You had awakened in the same grassy area where you had fallen but the sun was setting. The exhaustion was no longer present but you still had difficulties rising to your feet since your body was still sore.

(Y/N): I've wasted too much time...

The forest held quite the peaceful view but knowing that it was nearly night time as well as the possibility of another Grimm attack, you were slowly growing terrified. So, you decided to continue venturing deeper into the forest to find the weapon that the pale woman had spoke of.

After what seemed like an eternity of walking, you came across a ruined building of stone. Something about the ruins had led you to move inside and find a massive room with fresh piece of cloth in the middle. You quickly jogged to the cloth to discover that it was wrapped around a certain object, it seemed to be calling to your attention.

(Y/N): Is this it?

Picking up the wrapped object, you remove the cloth to reveal a sheathed katana. You were unable to reconfigure the design but something about the blade gave you the urge to fight. 

???: The Muramasa Blade. Long ago, it was forged by a legendary weapon smith. It has been said that whoever wields it, will instantly gain the strength of a true swordsman but in return, it must taste the blood of the wielder's enemies.

You turned to find the pale woman standing in the large doorway of the entrance.

(Y/N): Why are you giving this to me?

???: I do not have to answer your question, child. Just know that you will repay me soon enough. Now, you should return to your domain. It seems that your little friends have stirred quite a bit of trouble.

Your eyes widened after hearing her words until a horrific image flashed before your eyes. It was one of your team laying dead right before your very eyes, even Wiess was somehow thrown into the mix.

You shook your head furiously to remove the image and looked at the doorway with the pale woman nowhere in sight. The Muramasa Blade disappeared from your hand in an instant but you knew that it was stored in the same pocket dimension as your other weapons.

???: *whisper* Who will be the first to fall?

The terrifying cold whisper was as clear as day but you ignored it and sped back to the city. Hopefully, the woman's words were false as you ran past many trees.

???: *whisper* Perhaps the one with white hair...

(Y/N): No! I won't let you take Weiss!

To be continued...

No Matter The Cost: Weiss Schnee X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now