Chapter 6: Finally Our Turn

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Here it is! And here she is (let's just call her a she even though she doesn't necessarily have a gender), Sasayaki! On the left is her curl version, and on the right is her more humanoid look.

Sorry the paper's a bit bent, I've just moved and don't know where everything is, and this was the only paper I could find:) (also, I just did it in pencil because she's pretty much see-through, and the weird arms and legs aren't what I usually do, it's just for Sasayaki and the way I want to convey her:3) 

Enjoy the next part! ~Nicky ❤️

Enjoy the next part! ~Nicky ❤️

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Alex's POV:

I was hanging up some white ribbons when Gene ran into the the throneroom. He looked exhausted, but triumphantly held up a basket of flowers, before collapsing on the floor.

"Gene!" I shouted, running over to help him.

"Alex, I f-found a little creature in the flowers, I accidentally disturbed it by picking the flowers it was in, but then it started to do c-crazy things, and it knew my name for some reason, and it wanted me to play with it, b-but now I'm just exhausted!" He spoke fast and quietly, and seemed to be shaking a bit. I suddenly had another vision.

"Sasayaki! Stop this at once!"

"Never! I like this game. I want to keep playing it!"

"This is no game Sasayaki! You don't understand!"

"I do understand! You took me away from my family, and now I'll take you away from yours! Those are the rules of the game, and you're not playing fair!"

"N-No! Stop! NO!!"

I came back into reality. I'd seen mom and a see-through creature fighting on the castle rooftop, flames everywhere. That was when I realised, the spirit she had mentioned before she left!

"Gene! Did the creature give you its name?!" I asked.

"Y-Yes... It was...S-Sasayaki."

That name! It was that spirit! The same one!

"Gene! Whatever you do, don't 'play' with that spirit ever again! I know it. They are what's called a Magicurl, spirits that take advantage of other by coming off as cute and innocent, but then draining their energy slowly, until they are took weak to continue. We as a kingdom tried to fend them off, until they all vanished. All except one, that wreaked havoc on the castle. That... Thing, is what took my mom. But I thought it was gone forever..." I said, remembering what my mom had told me.

"If this spirit keeps attacking the kingdom, we'll be reduced to nothing but ash."

Ruby's POV:

I changed out of the dress and back into my regular clothes, and went down with Twinkle to check on Alex and Gene. When we got there, we saw Alex kneeling by Gene, who was lying on the floor.

"Gene!" Twinkle shouted, flying over to him and resting his head in her lap. "What happened to him?" She asked Alex, starting to cry.

"It's ok Twinkle. He just had a bad encounter with a Magicurl spirit. He needs to regain his energy. Could you take him up to my bed?" Alex asked. Twinkle nodded and created a magic bubble around Gene, flying upstairs with him.

"What is a Magicurl spirit?" I asked as Alex walked over to finish decorating, as I joined him.

"Pure trouble, that's what." I explained to her what I'd said to Gene, as well as what happened to him.

"So the reason your mom left is because of this spirit, Sasayaki?" I asked, helping Alex with the ribbon he was tying.

"Yes. And I have a feeling this little trickster is going to make sure this wedding doesn't happen, for it wants revenge on the kingdom for their family being taken away from them." I sighed. I didn't know how we were going to pull this off with a vengeful spirit trying to ruin our plans.

"Alex, there's no way we'll let that thing even think about touching our perfect day. This is important to all of us, so don't ever lose hope!" I said, giving him a hug. He hugged back, and we spent one happy moment together, just the two of us.

Sasayaki's POV:

I watched through the castle windows at the Prince and his fiancé. Love is so gross. I turned away from the window and sat down on the grass. How dare they call me a thing! I am the best player in this game, and I will win. My people have been losing for generations, and it's finally our turn. I'll make the final big move and restore my people to life. There's no way I can let the queen return. I am never losing this game again.


I floated through the doors of my new home. The home I'd stayed in since I was officially alone.

"Sasayaki, have you done as I've said?"

"Yes master, one has been eliminated. He can no longer prepare for the wedding."

"Perfect. Soon we'll both have what we want, correct?"

"Yes master. I'll have my people, and you'll have the throne of Kingsland."

"It brings a tear to my eye how truly loyal you are my dear. Keep at it, and soon the wedding will be off."

"Of course master."

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