Chapter 11

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Conor's POV
I woke up next to Jamma. They were cuddling and Gemma had her head laying on Jack's chest. They were honestly the cutest couple I've ever seen. I heard my phone buzz and I checked it. It was the Buttercream group chat which we also added Gemma to now.

Oli: How are you doing Conor?
Conor: I'm alright I'm still in a lot of pain though😩
Caspar: I hope it heals up quick mate. Have you told your fans.
Conor: Yeah. Gemma took a photo and put it on instagram.
Joe: Hey guys I was wondering if anyone's up for filming today?
Conor: How about you come to mine since Jamma are staying?
Oli: Good idea Conor. Is it alright if we could film for my channel too.
Joe: Yeah. Let's have a filming day. I'll bring my equipment over.
Conor: Oli who said you were allowed in my house?😂
Oli: 😒
Joe: 😂😂 ok who's going to Conor's then to film?
Josh: Me!
Oli: I will if Conor will let me in the door.
Conor: 😂
Caspar: I am coming.
Mikey: I can't I'm busy today.
Joe: Alright then. Are Jamma filming too?
Conor: I don't know the two lazy arses are still asleep cuddling. I'm surprised they're still asleep though because 1) I'm awake 2) they're both in this group chat so their phones are blowing up right now.
Joe: Those two are perfect for each other.
Josh: I agree
Caspar: #Jamma4life
Conor: 😂😂😂 I'll see yas all later

Once I finished texting the lads I decided seeing as it's half eleven and we decide for the boys to come up at  half twelve I'd walk them up. I noticed the glass of water on my bedside table so I grabbed it and my phone and started snapchatting and I poured the glass of water over them. They both shot up and Gemma screamed. I was dying if laughter. They were both really pissed off. I told them the lads were coming up so they got out bed and shot me an evil glare and went back to their room.

- 2 weeks later -
I've been out of hospital for about three weeks now and I have another x-ray on my spine and rib today. My arm has been out of its sling for about a week and my leg is in a cast for one more week. If my spine and rib have healed then I can get crutches and start moving around again.

I went for my x-ray and got my results and my spine is healed we are so happy. Now I've just a week left in this cast. They handed me crutches and I went to get up but I just stumbled forward. Jack caught me before I fell but I'm so confused as to why I fell but I then remembered what I was told. I haven't walked for over a month so I need to learn again. I held onto Jack's arms but it didn't help I was in a cast. I eventually got my balance and started to use my crutches but I'll still need to learn how to walk in a week. The nurse gave me a sympathetic look as I hopped out of the room.

Jack and Gemma are going to stay with me for another few weeks until I'm walking again. And the  Jack said he might ask her to move in with him. I felt bad with Jack having to pay rent and Gemma having to pay her share of her rent when they've been living with me for just under two months or so but there's nothing I can do.

Me and Jack arrived back from the hospital and Gemma was sitting on the sofa watching a movie. She couldn't come to the hospital because she had to go to work in the café. She said she's going to start a YouTube channel which we are all so excited about. We filmed her first video yesterday. We did a Q&A. It was actually really fun. I've enjoyed living with them so I decided to see if they wanted to move in with me.

Hello! I thought of a sequel to this book the other day which I'm pretty happy with. I'm enjoying writing this book so far and I hope you are enjoying reading it.

My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now