Chapter 50

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Gemma's POV
Today is the day. Today I'm marrying the only person I really, truly love. Today I'm marrying Jack Maynard.

Yesterday Jack left to go stay at Joe's along with Conor and Alfie and Anna, Zoe and Tanya are staying over at mine mine and Jack's. This morning we have the hairstylist and makeup artist coming over. I'm really excited. I really missed Jack. We've never been separated for this long since we moved in together because since I'm a YouTuber we are always on the same trips and stuff. It's ok though because at the end of the day.

The makeup artist and hairstylist came and did Zoe, Anna and Tanya first and then they got into their dresses and they looked amazing. They all had their hair down in loose curls with one side clipped over with one of those fancy clips. (A/N bridesmaids outfits are in the previous chapter if you want to look back at them.)

It was then my turn. We all had our makeup done pretty similar sticking to the rose gold, white and blush pink theme. I put on my dress and I felt like a princess.

I got a text from my dad saying he was outside ready for us to go

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I got a text from my dad saying he was outside ready for us to go. I picked up my bouquet and went out to the limo. I hopped in beside my dad.
"You look gorgeous.", he said.
"Thank you.", I replied. I had butterflies now. I'm on my way to marry my world.

Jack's POV
We are at the church waiting for Gemma. I'm really nervous. People were all arriving and taking their seats. I saw my mum and dad arrive and went over to them to say hello. My mum was nearly crying. I went back up to the altar and Conor, Joe and Alfie stood by me in that order. Suddenly the door opened and the music started playing. I saw her walk in and she looked absolutely stunning. I just wanted to run down to her and kiss her. She made her way up the aisle. She then stood beside me with Zoe, Anna and Tanya beside her in that order. The priest started talking and then we got to the vows.
"Do you, Jack Maynard, take the, Gemma Sugg to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"Do you, Gemma Sugg, take the, Jack Maynard to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." We put the rings on each other. We chose rings that we're multiple infinity symbols to represent forever. Gemma's was rose gold with little silver diamonds and mine was plain gold.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." We kissed each other passionately and then walked down the aisle hand in hand. Me and Gemma got into the limo and we were driven to the hotel. The hotel had one of those flower arched s for photos. The photographer called everyone for photos. These are all the photos.
Me and Gemma
Me, Joe, Alfie and Conor
Gemma, Zoe, Anna and Tanya
Me, Gemma, bridesmaids and groomsmen
Me, Gemma and all of our parents
Me, Gemma, Conor, Anna, Zoe, Joe, and our parents
Me, Gemma and her parents
Me, Gemma and my parents
Me, Gemma, Conor, Anna, Joe, Zoe
Me, Gemma, bridesmaids, groomsmen, our parents.
We basically spent forever getting photos.

We then went to the party room which they had laid out with tables and then a big table at the top for us and family. The people sitting at the main table were: Graham, Tracey, Tanya, Anna, Zoe, Gemma, Me, Conor, Joe, Alfie, Dad, Mum. We had a really nice dinner and desert and then we had to cut the cake. It was insane. We cut the cake together and everyone was taking photos. It was then time for the speeches. It was Conor first with his best man speech and then me.
"Hello everyone, sadly I'm not singing for you, I know you're all really disappointed now, blame Jamma.", he started off and everyone laughed, "So I know as best man its my job to tell some funny stories throughout their relationship. There was that one time the 3 of us shared a bed, their simultaneous eye roll, the countless times they've fallen asleep in each others arms on the sofa. There has been a few funny moments. I remember the day they met. Me and all the Buttercreams aka Me, Jack, Joe, Caspar Lee, Josh Pieters, Mikey Pearce and Oli White, were at Jack's new flat and Joe brought Gemma along with him to meet us. We played some truth or dare and found out that Gemma fancied one of Joe's friends. That evening me and Jack were on the sofa and Jack was texting someone smiling like a mad man or the Cheshire cat and that someone he was texting was Gemma. They had arranged a date for the next day and it all went up from there. Sorry I've ramble for awhile. I'm passing you over to Jack now." He handed the mic to me and I stood up.
"Thanks for that Conor. I just want to thank everyone for coming but most importantly I want to thank Gemma. I want to thank her for putting with me for the last 10 months of her life and for now promising to stick with me for the rest of it. So thank you Gemma. Now let's all have a great night and party!", I said and everyone cheered and I sat down.
"Thank you.", I said to Gemma when I sat down. We kissed quickly but everyone still saw.

Gemma's POV
It's time for our first dance now. We made our way to the dance floor. Nobody knew what we were dancing to except for me and Jack. We decided to dance to Perfect by Ed Sheeran. We started dancing and soon enough Zoe and Alfie came on and Tanya and Joe (since he was a groomsman and not Jim) and we kind've made Conor and Anna dance together. The dance finished and the wedding band came out and started playing. The night is going so good. We all danced and drank the night away.

It was 3 am before everyone had left and me and Jack were exhausted. We left the party room and went up to our hotel room. As we walked in Jack pulled me close and started kissing me passionately, the kiss deepened and Jack started to take off my dress and I'm sure you can guess what happened. When we finished, I cuddled into Jack and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much you don't even know it.", Jack said.
"I love you too. I love you to the moon, the stars and back again."

Hey everyone! It's the end of this book. I want to thank you all so much for reading. The sequel for this book will be going up within the next week or so. I'll update this book to let you know and I'll also insert the blurb into that update part. Thank you all so much.

My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now