Chapter 36

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Gemma's POV
Me and Jack sorted out our stuff and got into bed. I felt Jack's arms slither around my waist and soon felt the grip loosen a bit as he fell asleep.

- The Next Morning -
I woke up in the same position as I fell asleep in. I checked the time on my phone. 5:30 am.
"F*ck jetlag.", I muttered to myself.
"Mmm", I heard Jack mumbled.
"Nothing.", I said and snuggled into Jack.
"You jetlagged?", he asked.
"Mmhmm. You?", I asked.
"Yeah.", he replied. We were both wide awake.
"Let's just try and sleep for at least 4 more hours to try keep our usual pattern.", Jack said.
"Pffft. You won't wake up until at least half 1 on a Saturday or Sunday unless you have plans.", I replied.
"You're not much better.",he said.
"Still.", I said.
"Night.", Jack chuckled.
"Night.", I said. It took a while but we both eventually managed to get to sleep.

- 5 hours later -
I woke up again at about half 10 and Jack was still asleep. Jack is definitely not that jetlagged at all. I slowly slithered our of his arms and got out of bed. I checked my messages and saw a message from Conor.

From Conor:
How's Florida? X

To Conor:
Beautiful and hot x

From Conor:
I was talking about Florida not me x

To Conor:
Haha very funny Maynard x

From Conor:
Haha I gtg now bye x

To Conor:
Ok bye bye x

I heard Jack stirring and looked over at him. He started turning over a bit and rubbing his eyes.
"Morning handsome.", I said.
"Morning babe.", he mumbled half asleep.
"Come on. I want to know what you have planned for today.", I said sitting down next to him on the bed.
"I'm not telling you.", he smirked.
"That's not fair!", I moaned.
"Haha tough luck.", he replied. I crossed my arms across my chest playfully. We got out of bed and got dressed. I wore some denim shorts, a striped cropped t-shirt and my superstars. I put my hair into two dutch plaits and did minimal makeup. Jack grabbed my hand and we walked out of the door. There was a taxi waiting outside for us and we got in. Jack typed a note on his phone and showed the it to the driver. I'm guessing it's the location of what we are doing today.
"You surprising the Ms or Mrs?", he said chuckling.
"Yep.", Jack replied popping the 'p'.
"Jack please tell me where we're going?", I begged.
"No Gemz.", he laughed. I pouted playfully and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We've been driving half an hour.
"We're almost there.", Jack said to me.
"We're here!", the driver said. Jack had put a blindfold on me as we for closer so I couldn't anything. Jack took my hand and helped me out of the car. We walked for a little bit and then Jack stopped me and pulled off my blindfold and in front of me was a bit sign saying 'WELCOME TO DISNEY WORLD FLORIDA'. I jumped up onto Jack and gave him a massive hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you.", I said. Jack laughed.
"You're welcome.", he said putting me down. He took my hand and we entered Disney World. We went to the Disney Store and Jack bought me Minnie Mouse ears to wear. We got some amazing Disney themed food and went on some rides. I loved the teacups because I love releasing my inner child. We took a photo in front of the castle and I put it up on instagram.
'I honestly have the best boyfriend ever! Thank you jack_maynard23 ❤❤❤'

We were exploring Disney World for ages and I was having loads of fun! Soon though we had to leave. We got a taxi back and coincidentally we had the same driver.
"Oh hello again.", he said as we got in.
"How'd the surprise go?", he asked Jack.
"She loved it. Didn't you?", he said turning to face me.
"The best time ever! Thank you so much. ", I said.
"No problem.", he said, "I have to treat my girlfriend sometimes."

We drove back to the hotel and thanked and payed the driver. We went in and unlocked our apartment.
"Do you want to go out and eat or get room service?", I asked Jack.
"Let's go out.", Jack said. We chilled in the hotel and then went out to eat. We found a cure little restaurant that isn't fancy and went in. We got a table and sat down. We opened our menus and chose what we wanted and a waiter came over to take our order.
"Hello, what can I get you?", he asked Jack.
"Um the chicken caesar salad.", Jack said.
"Would you like a drink with that?", he asked.
"Um just a water please.", Jack replied.
"Ok and what can I get you?",he asked winking at me.
"Um just the same.", I said a little uncomfortable.
"You sure? I've a lot more to offer.", he said winking again.
"Yes I'm sure and I'm also sure I'm here with my boyfriend for dinner and I'm sure I'm sick of you and your cheesy pick up lines.", I said to him getting a bit pissed off. He walked away quickly and me and Jack started laughing.
"You go babe!", Jack said high fiving me.

Hey! Here you go @randyyyy123. Thanks for all the votes it's made my day and I'm so glad that you're enjoying the book.

My Brothers Best Friend (Jack Maynard Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now