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OMG I am so, so, so sorry I didn't update sooner! I had a major writer's block and didn't even realize I had this draft! 

Anyway, let's get to the fun part, shall we? In case I didn't mention this before, I hate fanfics when there are two of the same people running around after a time-travel, and so I invented a part so they could be well. . . themselves again.

Well, enjoy!


"Oh! Mikoto! Is that a girl?" Kushina gently poked Sasuke Uchiha's cheek.

Sasuke internally growled. He didn't like. . . he paused when he saw the redheaded woman's eyes. They were a lot like Naruto's. His onyx eyes moved to her belly. She was pregnant. Could she be Naruto's mother? 

He sensed his own mother talking to the woman, and tried to reach out a chubby hand to touch the woman's belly, to check the chakra and see if it really was Naruto. 

He knew Sakura was already born, since they were both older than Naruto.

Sasuke grunted when the redheaded woman was pulled away by an old, mean-looking brunette lady.

"See that woman, Sasuke? That's Kushina, my best friend. I hope you and her son will be good friends," Mikoto told her baby boy.

'Good friends? Oh my dear mother, the things you don't know. We are already best friends.'


"Come on! Push, Kushina, push!" A certain young blonde man, Minato Namikaze, encouraged his wife as she was giving birth to their son.

"It's out!" Biwako, Lord Third's wife, exclaimed.

Naruto blinked his big blue eyes and shivered. It was so cold. . . and so he did what came naturally to babies. 

He cried.

"Naruto. . . so you've finally come into this world."

The blonde baby froze at the soft voice. Was that. . . his mother? He was laid down gently, and his big blue eyes turned to see a woman with tears streaming down her face. 

'You're my mother. . . and he's my father! ' Naruto thought, his throat closing as he saw a man with blonde spikes and kind blue eyes. 'But if this is October 10th, and if things go like Kurama told me then. . .

Horror struck the newborn baby and he immediately reached out a chubby arm to touch his mother's neck, just where the pulse was. He sent a small wave a chakra, and was shocked when he felt some familiar chakra answer him. 


'Kurama! '

'What the hell Kit! All I remember is you had this giant freaking hole in your chest and then I wake up and realize I'm in a different jinchuuriki!' The Kyuubi raged.

'Er, that might have been because we went back in time, and now it's October 10th, and I was born like, five minutes ago?! ' Naruto shouted in his mind.

He suddenly saw his mother's face take on a paler shade, and he panicked. 'Kurama, please, can you heal my mom? She's dying here! '

'Of course. But do remember that I will be ripped out anyways, and hopefully you will once again be my jinchuuriki,' Kurama replied as he sent some chakra to the dying woman.

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