8.1K 291 182


KakaRin's child(ren) should be:

Boy - 18

Twins (boy and girl) - 30

*sweatdrop* Well that was settled rather quickly. . .

KakaRin's girl name preference should be:

Aelin - 11

Sorscha - 5

Nesryn - 5

Need more name votes ~

'I'm about to die. . .' Inoichi Yamanaka thought despairingly to himself as Rock Lee, the last member of Team 9 exited. He had to endure a full hour of a younger, energetic, and if possible, a more "youth-filled" version of Might Gai.

Inoichi had gotten absolutely nothing out of the boy, just like he had gained nothing from the Hyuuga heiress, Inuzuka heir, the Hyuuga branch prodigy and the fake-smiling, pale-skinned boy Ino was always talking about.

Lee's answers always went back to some "fountain of youth" or "springtime of youth". Was Gai kidnapping children now, or was that his son?

The Yamanaka shuddered at the thought of Might Gai having a son, and quickly shook the image from his head.


"Well Lee?" Neji asked expectantly. "Did you do it?"

Lee threw his fist up in the air. "I did indeed, my youthful rival! I spoke to him about the rivers, the fountains and springtime of youth! Every question he asked me always ran back to one of the sources of youth!"

Everyone in the room sweatdropped.

It was one of their main ploys to have at least one or two talk their mouths off or rant about something so they wouldn't supply any other useful information. They already had Hinata pretend to stutter her way through, and Kiba talking his mouth off about random things so that time would run out. Neji kept his answers quick and vague, as expected of a stoic, Hyuuga branch prodigy. And Sai was ordered to keep making his past "fake smiles" to make Inoichi on edge and want to finish the interrogation as quickly as possible.

When Hinata came out, she was smiling as she told them that Inoichi had been sighing a lot in the interrogation, presumably from weariness or from frustration. According to her, she has stuttered so much Inoichi couldn't understand her, and had asked her to repeat it three times before giving up and moving onto the next question.

Kiba and come out with a giant, feral grin on his face. Apparently he had talked about dogs so much that Inoichi was on the verge of exploding at him to keep track, and he had "accidentally" spilled some rather unnecessary information on dogs. He then proceeded to tell them, cackling with glee, that Inoichi's face had actually gone a faint shade of green. That rewarded him a thwack on the head by a slightly pissed off Ino and a demand that he tell her exactly what he told her father.

Neji had come out with a smug smirk on his lips after Tenten. He had kept his answers limited to only five words, and it had ticked off Inoichi greatly. He had even counted how many times the interrogator's eye twitched during the hour, and it sent them all into a great fit of laughter when he told them the number. Evidently, Neji was a master when it came to vague answers, and Inoichi had promptly given up prying him for answers after the fifth question.

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