Chapter One

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As I walk down the school hall, dressed in a pair of mid-thigh shorts and a white t-shirt that says, 'living the dream,' I can hear the voices of people talking about what they think is a lack of fashion sense. I keep walking to get to my maths class on time. My best friend, Jade, is standing at the door to the maths room, waiting for me. With her long blonde hair, always styled, her green eyes and slim figure she could pass for a supermodel. She always dresses in lovely clothes. Today she is wearing an off the shoulder, floral print smock dress.

"Hey, Aphrodite," she says, when I reach the door of the classroom. "Will you ever do anything different with your hair?

"Hey, Jade. Try I enjoy having my hair loose," I reply with a smile.

Jade may be my best friend but at least once a week she tries to get me to try something different with my hair, or wear makeup or more expensive clothes. She is can be shallow, but not as shallow as other people in this town.

"Well, how about you try a new hair style," she tries to coax me.

I give her a flat look and she raises her hands in surrender. This is part of our routine; it may annoy me, but if we didn't do it anymore, I would miss it more than I care to admit. We take our seats as the teacher walks in stopping any further conversation about my choice of hairstyle. I believe Jade has made it her personal life mission to help me with my fashion sense. It hasn't worked, so far, but someday it might. I attend a high-class private school, one of a few that allows its students to wear what they want. Everyone here is rich or smart earning themselves a scholarship. Now it's not that I am poor or anything, I have plenty of money, I choose not to wear expensive, designer clothes. I prefer to wear clothes that are more comfortable than stylish; unlike the rest of the kids at my school who think wearing the latest designer clothes is the be all and end all of the world. I realise that I've zoned out, so I tune back into what the teacher is saying.

"This is your last year of school before you are all heading off to college. Please pay attention in class so you can graduate and move on to the big world beyond," Mrs Rolands tells us. "Now I've said that we will review what we did last year. Open your textbooks to page ten and work on the questions."

I pull out my maths book and work on the equations as Mrs Rolands instructed. Times seems to fly by until Mrs Rolands is giving us our homework and the bell rings. I pack my stuff back into my bag and leave the classroom. My next class is English, my favourite class. Leaving the room, I give Jade a wave before heading off to the English rooms, making it two metres before someone barges into me causing me to fall and drop my books everywhere. I pick everything up before anyone can tread on or damage them. When I look up, I see the face of Leigh Evans, the queen bee of Oceanview high. I stand up and walk past her with my head held high.

"You should do something about your horrid hair," she says, giving my hair a flick as I walk past her to my next class; ignoring her I hope she realises her comment doesn't affect me.

I reach my next class, make my way to a seat in the middle of the room, pull out my books and do some writing while I wait for everyone else to get here. Everyone trickles in and goes silent when Mr McLeod enters the room.

"I want everyone to write a page on what you did over the summer and make sure you use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation," he instructs.

The rest of the morning races by until it is time for lunch. I can't wait to get food in my stomach, so I make my way to the cafeteria and meet Jade at the doors.

"How was your morning?" I ask Jade as we head inside and get in line to get our lunch.

"One word: boring," she replies, while placing a Caesar salad and a bottle of water on her tray.

I grab a mac and cheese, fries and add a lemonade to my tray before paying. Moving over to a table in the corner to avoid the hustle and bustle of the cafeteria. Our school provides a variety of nice foods. I understand most cafeteria food is not the nicest food, but ours is nice.

"What about you? How was your morning?" Jade asks me as we take our seats.

"It's been okay. Nothing exciting," I tell her before taking a mouthful of mac and cheese.

We sit in companionable silence, eating our lunch in peace until I feel someone standing behind me.

"You shouldn't be eating that. You can't afford to eat all those fatty foods," Leigh says from behind me.

I ignore her and continue enjoying the cheesy goodness of my mac and cheese and. She scoffs behind me like I'm a bug on her car windshield.

"You are a disappointment to your whole family," she says, loud enough to gain everyone's attention.

I take a deep breath before turning around to face her. "You know nothing about me or my parents. So, don't comment on things you know nothing about," I tell her, before turning back to my lunch.

"You can leave now," Jade tells Leigh, pointing to the doors.

"I don't have to do anything," Leigh says, "And we all know I'm telling the truth."

I finish eating the last of my fries before collecting my rubbish, walking around Leigh, I put my rubbish in the bin and head to my next class with Jade.

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Author's note:

I hope you enjoy my newest book. Please if you like vote and comment. I always try to edit my books but I'm not perfect, so please keep that in mind if you see any mistakes.

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Second Author's note:

I have gone through and edited the first chapter. I have finished the first draft of Aphrodite's Beauty but I am slowly going through and editing everything. I will try and post as I go along as often as I can but I can't guarantee anything.

Updated: 08/07/2018

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