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Winny's POV

There was nothing I hate more than hearing college students stumble through the dorm halls incredibly drunk. Two girls were laughing as they walked to their dorm. I've seen them before, but never conversed with them. I was on my way out for the night, while they are stumbling in at seven in the evening.

"People are crazy," I muttered to Ashton as I walked up to him in the middle of campus.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he pushed his glasses up so they wouldn't fall.

"Two girls just walked into the dorms drunk. The night just started," I said, still confused as to why they got drunk this early. "If they get caught they might be expelled."

"Oswin, you need to relax," Ashton nudged me. I rolled my eyes at the sound of my full name. "You're a twenty year old in college, partying this early and getting drunk is part of the great college experience."

"Says you. You're old enough to drink," I reminded him that he was older than me.

"Whatever," he waved off the conversation. "Where are we going tonight?"

"I'm going home," I answered. "I have to check on my mom. Last I heard, she hasn't been out of the house."

"I'll come with you," he looped his arm with mine.

"Ash, you know that I don't like you seeing her like that," I removed his arm. "She's a wreck and she's unstable. She's not that lovable mom you remember."

He knows that I hate having him come around when my mom's in a mood. He tries to help, but at this point I don't know how much longer I can put up with my mother's antics.

Since my dad past six months ago, she went off the rails. She hasn't been herself lately. Sometimes, she's a day drinker. Others, she's depressed and doesn't leave the house until I come home to visit. Lucky for her that campus is an hour away from home.

"So you're letting me hangout on a Saturday night by myself?" He complained as I walked to my car.

"Sorry Ash," I pursed my lips. "I need to help her."

He sighed. "Fine, go ahead."

I smiled and gave him a hug. "I'll call you before I leave."

"Call me if you need help," he kissed my head and let me go.

I waved at him before getting into my car. I started the engine and honked twice before backing out. I made my way to the store near my house to grab pain killers and snacks. Pain killers for my mom in whatever state she's in. The snacks are for me.

I bumped into someone on my way back to my car. "Sorry," I muttered. I looked up to see a familiar face. I think I've seen him around campus.

Tall, brown eyed guy with black hair. He has tattoos on his arms and had arms bigger than my thigh. He was wearing all black with a beanie and held a cigarette between his fingers. He was my year, I know it. Maybe I had him for classes before. Or maybe he's one of the known guys who has parties at their Frat houses.

He looked down at me, breathing out his cigarette breath. I cringed with disgust and stepped back to cough. He dropped his cigarette and smashed it with his foot. He walked by me and I watched as he made his way into the store. I coughed once more before heading into my car.

I placed the purchased goods on the passenger seat. I replayed what just happened a few seconds ago and cringed once more. It was sickening to have him blow his cigarette breath into my face. I didn't even know the guy and he had the audacity to do such a thing?

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