Chapter 4: They meet again

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Clay's POV
I woke up in an empty,grey,enclosed space.There was this control panel facing a blank wall (for some odd reason I have yet to explain.)
"Where am I?" I murmured,
"If this is what heaven looks like then I'm pretty disappointed."
All of a sudden, I caught a glimpse at a flash of red. Could it be?! The blank wall turned black for a split second, then out of nowhere, a moving image of Macy was on the screen. Wait...not just a moving image...but her live on screen!She was staring at this hidden camera like she was auditioning for a role in titanic or something.That was when I realised: she was staring at my statue. She was staring at me.
I remembered everything now before I was falling down. I remember the Knights carrying me to a pedestal with Macy in the back, covering her face.
That was when the words blurted out of my face.
"MACY! MACY! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" I shouted.
"Clay?!" Her voice a bit cracked and in disbelief.
"Yes!It's me!"I cried.
She jumped away.
"Is this some kind of darn trick you got going on Lance because if so, you won't ever be seeing the glorious light of day ever again!" She growled.
"No! Macy! It's not a trick! It really is me! You believe me, right?"
"Oh yeah, then tell me: how did I lose my tooth six years ago? If you really are Clay then you would answer this question without hesitation-"
"A butler bot came flying in your face when you protected your mum and dad from cracking their skulls. That was the first time you ever realised your true potential of being a protector of the kingdom."
"Oh. My. Gosh.Clay it really is you!" She cried, with a beautiful smile on her face.
She looked like she was about to hug me until we were interrupted by the rest of the group.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what is happening here?" Lance asked.
"Macy?Are you ok?" Said Axl.
"Yeah,Mace,did you hit your head or something?"said Aaron.


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