For some reason, today's mission was to get to the third floor. Other days, she wanted to adventure out and find a river, or some extra food, both of which turned out to be useful. No, today was the most important mission of all, right before the time when she found the secret basement.
This, of course, was by accident. She had tripped over the hatch of the trap door and scrapped her knee. Sadly, the basement was just a power room. Pipes and wires and levers everywhere. Sometime, Alphonse would climb from pipe to pipe, imagining that she needed to break in to some new villain's secret layer. Other than that, it hadn't been much of a useful find.
She climbed the stairs and tried the door one more time, kicking it and shaking it, trying to get in. She even took a stick and tried to pick the lock. Nothing worked. She grabbed a book and ripped the cover off of it. She tried to break the lock in between the rock and the door. No use. This was going to need the superpowers that she had sadly been deprived of.
She looked at the cover in her hand. Micheal Vey. The cover showed a boy with his hands held out, light surrounding them. She frantically searched the room, and found the rest of the book. It was a medium sized book, smaller than some of the others she had read.
She sat on the floor against the wall and began to read, something she did with most of her time.
By the time the sun began to go down, she had read over half of the book. She placed the cover on the page she was on and shut the book closed. Holding it, she walked over to the window and watched the sun go down. She decided to open the window, so she could put her hands out the window. She loved to do that, it was another thing that made her feel important. Well, it made her feel big over the small town. She could see almost all of it, and it seemed close enough to reach.
She had set her book on the windowsill and twisted the hatch closing the window shut. It released and the two window panes flew inward, a rush of cold air flying into the room. She felt in control of the sunset, and she was happy that everyone in her little town was happy.
She hardly even noticed it when her book plummeted to the ground. A small thud rang in her ears as she looked down. Right in a puddle. With sudden urgency, she raced down the stairs and out the hard-to-open double doors.
Soaked. It was soaked. How could she fix it? She hadn't been able to fix others who had this happen to them. The sky grew dark, and so did her day.
Alphonse looked up at the building, seeing the second story window open. Suddenly, with a gust of wind and the beginning of rain, the window panes flew outward. As she looked upward, she saw the same thing happen to a window on the third floor.
A ray of sunshine seemed to shine on that window. Rain fell, but Alphonse continued to look straight up at it. This was her chance. She dropped the book right back down in the growing puddle. The building had loose bricks that she could grab onto, but the lined up windows would be the most help.
She reached up and grasped the first window sill and pulled herself up. Her knees sat on the board and she reached out for the top of the window pane. She pulled up so that her feet were flat on the board and she hugged the wall. She next window was too far to reach, so she pulled her legs up to the top of the first window. She continued this pattern up to the final window. She had to duck several times from the flailing open windows.
When Alphonse finally pulled herself up to the window, she saw a room covered in vines, some of which she needed to climb around to truly see the full room. Other than the vines, there were more shelves, but not like the rest of the library. This was more of a bedroom. It had a desk, a nightstand, and a bed. A bed, with a women in it.