Breyan continued...

407 13 3

Sorry redngreen_shadow it's late Gomen'nasai

No prov
As the girls fall from the sky due to Blade's power and everyone stands frozen as Blade laughs. Catching the girls in a mist.

(Blade)⬆️Markus (aka Bryan) prov

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Markus (aka Bryan) prov

My brothers stand frozen, 'the power puff girls didn't stand a chance? What? What happened?'

I suddenly felt angry and I felt my powers acting up and my brothers too. (Our powers are created due to emotion so yeah they help with our weapons.)

"Transform! Now," Brick growled running out of the room. We looked at each other, nodded once and followed the red leaders lead and transformed.

"Hey!" Boomer roared at the man in leather seeing bubbles unconscious. And you could practically see the dark clouds of lightning coming in. 'Shit boom is mad!'

I look at my brothers who are scared. Well it's completely understandable boom gets scary when he's like this!

"Boom calm down..." Blast tries to calm Boom down.

"DO YOU NOT FUCKING SEE HE'S TOUCHING THE GIRLS!!!!" Boom yells and lightning strikes in between them.

Blast jumps back and I look at my brothers and all of our powers are out of control except for Blast and mine. Then we hear laughing...

We all look to the man the girls called Blade, "oh this is priceless!" He shouts.

"What?" Brick says with his mouth breathing fire.

"I'm going to enjoy this!" He says.

"What do you mean!" I yell.

"My dear boy I'm going to kill them right in front of you!" He starts laughing like a maniac and when we try to get the girls the mist disappears. "Uh uh you boys have to be patient... now who should die first..." he puts his finger on his chin tapping, "oh I know!"

He snaps his fingers and one of them appears and we all go pale.

Oh no not her please anybody but her...

End of the chapter! lol I love leaving you guys in suspense! Okay who do you think it is???? Because I already know!

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