Story: Candor and Curiosity (A Slenderman Romance)
Story Rating: 10
Grammar Rating: A
Originality: 5
So I'm sure the first thing you'll all notice is the super high rating. If you've read the story, you would completely understand. If you haven't read it, go read it. This is one of the absolute best Creepypasta fanfiction I've read since anything of Terrible_Fate's.
First off, amazing job with your characters. Elizabeth is amazing and relatable and she has such history. It's so fascinating to learn more about her, but not only that, I WANT to know more about her. But it's so weird every time you post a picture of her because I always imagine her as looking waaaaay different. It's not a bad weird though!
Author is my favorite asshole ugh can they please just kiss already. Please.
The plot is fascinating and the setting simple enough that it doesn't take a lot of effort to recall locations, which makes it easier on the reader.
But onto the plot! If you're tired of unoriginal stories, THIS is the one to go to. If you need a fix for a mature, well thought out story, read this story. You will not be disappointed. It does run slower than most CP fanfiction but the pace is perfect for what they are putting out.
Now, while this story is amazing, there is a bit of constructive criticism I feel needs to be dished out.
Author's notes. Ugh.
I hate authors notes. I feel that they take away from the mood of the story and break what the author builds in their writing. Like, oh oh, cliffhanger what's going to happen next- oh I see you really enjoy our comments and votes aww- back to the plot!
I think it would really help if you reduced these or went back and deleted some honestly. As for the chapter AN, maybe move them to the back of the book that way they are still there but they don't take away from the mood of the story.
Also, I know it's just in my mind, but the chapters felt short. They got their point across perfectly and I know they were actually fairly length chapters. Maybe it's my fangirl side secretly begging for more or longer chapters.
This one isn't a criticism but I was curious about the heavy use of italics. I understood the point but it felt overused because you used it for flashbacks, when they're talking with Greed and even in Slenderman' point of view. It does get the point across perfectly and I'm not saying you should change it, just wanted to point it out and bring it to your attention.
As for grammar, there are a few little times where you'll repeat words or phrases and it'll mess up the flow of reading. It's nothing major and you can tell it's most likely a result of typing too fast and not realizing the repetition or mistake. Having yourself or someone else read through and fix it will solve the problem.
This is an absolutely fantastic story. I have no real criticism about the plot or the characters and I eagerly look forward to more updates. Fantastic job. You are what I hope this fandom will look up to in terms of writing and originality.
Reviews (Creepypasta)
RandomA book of reviews for books in the Creepypasta fandom. If you ask us to review and we leave a rating, we will add it into the book. If we do not leave a rating, it will not be added in the book.