(Flash back )
Voice 1: where do we go ?
Jess (Me): I don't know just keep running don't loose him!
Voice 1: ok.
Dogs *bark bark grawl bark bark*
Me: run, run!
Voice : go left!
Me: go, go, go!
Voice: follow me!
Me: ok.
~Flash back ends ~
" Jess...Jess...Jess!" Jason shouted "what?!" I asked snapping out of a flash back. "Come on we got to go." He says walking to the gun locker. "Yeah...yeah let's go." I say walking towards the locker. "Do you know where we're going ?" He asked obviously knowing the awnser but he still asked. "To go get the guy who killed Merisa." I said sternly. "Exactly so let's load up." He said with a smile. "Let's do this." I say with raising and eyebrow. "Alright. Let's go boys." Jason said while putting his sniper riphle in the back of one of the trucks. I zone out for a second thinking about Marisa and Rico, what happened a year ago today. I don't know how long I've been zoned out but it was long enough to catch my brothers attention. "Hey, are you ok?" He asked looking at me with consern. "Yeah, I'm fine." I try to lie through my teeth. "No your not, you had another flash back didn't you?" He said annoyed. "No Aaron. I didn't." I say lieing again. "Your my twin I can tell when something is or is about to bother you." He sighs." Your not the only one who lost her." I huffed out and shook my head. "No but I'm the one who was suppose to to be protecting her." I say annoyed. "I know but we have a chance to get justice for her, for us, for the team, more importantly for our family." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah...yeah, your right." I say looking at him with a small smirk. "Now let's go get this prick." He said smilling." Let's go." I say giving him a devilish smirk.
"Hey Aaron are we heading out?" Brian asks anxiously. "Hey Brian, ya in a few minutes." He replied. "Ok." Brian said. "K." Aaron said walking to his truck. "Hey jess are you ready?" Jason asked. "I've been ready for the past 5 years." I reply sternly. "Good." He says with a smirk. "Hey Jess." Brian said smiling at me. "Hey Brian." I reply while putting ,my gun in the back of my truck. "How are you doing with everything?" He asked with concern, as Jason face Palm noting that I get VERY annoyed with that question on a daily bases and especially today. "I'm fine, no need to worry about me." I said annoyed and now at this point I'm getting pissed."you sure?" He asked.

Falling in love with a criminal
Romance" Jess...Jess...Jess! " Jason said yeslling at me I didn't notice I was reliving my past that never stops haunting me. "What?" I said being pulled back into reality. "come on we got to go." he said while getting his gear on. "yeah...yeah lets go."...