Recover and push through

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"Come on....Jess... Jess!" Jason said bringing me out of my concentration. "What?" I asked. "Are you ok ?" He asked with concern. "Yeah...yeah. I'm fine.." I say recovering from my thoughts. "Are you sure?" He asked again. God this is so annoying I mean Jesus Christ the guys are acting like I'm traumatized or that I'm gonna fuck up the job. And I know Jason means well but good god when will he get the hint to quite trying to get me to open up. "Yeah." I say a little annoyed but I guess not enough for him to quite. He looks at me in the eyes with 'I'm sorry for what happened to you' look on his face, then he looked at the ground and debated if he should say something or not but he did anyway." Jess..." He said. I knew what he was gonna say."Jason if I wasn't fine to were I couldn't handle it, THEN I would probably talk to you, more likely Aaron but you still probably know but I'm fine ok." I said with honesty and annoyence. He raised his hands up in defeat. "Ok, I'm just making sure your ok because I care about you and I dont want to see you get hurt." He finished while getting closer to me and putting his hands on my shoulders."I know Jason and I appreciate that but I'm fine." I say giving him a reasuring smile while gently grabbing the back of his for arms. "And don't lie to me." He said with his eyebrows drawn together looking down at me. "I'm not." I reply. He raises an eyebrow then raises his hands up in surender. "Ok" he said. "Ok" I reply back. "Can I get a hug?" He asked holding his arms wide open. "Sure." I said walking closer to him. I was about to hug him when Brian walked up. "Hey Jess." He said smiling. "Hey Brian." I reply to him with a with a smirk. Everything is ready." He said looking at me. "Ok, need me to check anything off?" I asked. "Yes." He replied. "Ok be right there." I said. "Ok." He replied be for giving me a wink and walking off. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head."can I still get that hug?" Jason asked looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Yes." I replied. "Ok." He said. After we hugged i pulled away and said "ok see you out there.I was about to walk off when he gently grabbed my arm. "Hey be careful ok." He said looking me in the eyes. I could tell he was worried about me. "I will be Jason. I'm not going to let my 'problems' get to me." I said quoting problems as I started to walk off only to be stopped again.
"I meant be careful with this guy we know what he's capable of."
"Ya I know, I'm not going to let anything happen... Like last time or worse."
"Good because I just..I can't go through with something happening to you."
"Jason, I premise you nothing is going to happen to me."
"Ok, wait promise me as a team leader or as a friend?"
"As a friend I promise nothing is gonna happen because of my family and the people who need me the most. And as a leader I promise because my team needs me and there are things that I have to do before anything should happen."
"OK, promise?" He asked one last time.
"Yes I promise." I reply walking off.

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