When I herd that Roman got a lead on the case I just wanted to go back to work...
" so how do you feel about the case?" Brian asked. "What do you mean?" I asked being kinda confused on what he ment. "I mean from the looks of it, the brother just dose the break ins and stealing, vandalism, but not as much of a body count." He stated. "Ok so..." I questioned. "So... what if there's someone else." He stated again. "Like someone else trying to help them and get Rico out?" I asked not really belivibg that was the truth. "Yeah, because Rico had unfinished business with the cartel." He said. "Like he didn't finish a job, or owes money, or is delivering?" I asked again being kinda confused. "Probably owes money." Aaron stated. "I don't think so, he had enough money to pay everyonr he needed to pay off and now he's broke." I abjected. "Ok, but who ever is sending the threats is trying to get him out for whatever reason. But it doesn't make sence he's broke and about to be exicuted." I said. "Never know." Aarob saud. "But is still doesn't nake scence like why wait till now? Or maybe its his ltttle brother trying to get him out." I said. "Well I've been doing some digging on Jr and he was put in a pinical and just got released three days ago." Brian said. "Ok what's the name of the officer who released him?" I asked. "Well Dr. Janson released him." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Where is the pinical at?" I asked again. "Little Rock down the road from St. Bronards." He said sheepishly. "Jesus Christ its a meantal hospital!" I exclamed. "Yes." Brian comfermed. "Why is he in there?" I asked. "Depression and anger issues. Big bro must have sent him off or something." Brian said. "Good god." I said. "Hey you can relate though." He said chuckeling. "Shut up." I spat. "Ok what dose Roman want?" Aaron asked. "Black two surgerd and one creamer." I said. "What do you want?" He asked. "French vinnila with carnal with a little bit of ice." I repied. "Ok Brian what do you want?" "Oh i'll go in." He said. "Ok come on." "Coming." He relpied.
****** ring... ring... ring... ring****
Phone convo. Me-M Roman-R
M: hello?
R: hey where are you?
M: at the café, why?
R: I have a huge lead.
M: what is it?
R: OK so its not Rico's brother jr that's doing this, its someone from his old gang that needs his help because appereantly he's a dead man walking to a lot of people.
M: really..
R: ya but thays not all. A lot of people want him dead to. The only reason he's here is because his brother kept him safe. His phone is on and I can track his location so your gonna have to pick him up and bring him back here.
M ok
R: alright I'll know where he is in.. 3... 2... 1... He...He's at the café..
M: really?
R: yeah, bring him
M: OK but how?
R: Just be you. Trust me he'll follow you, don't say anything though. Just get his attention then drop something or sit somewhere where he can see you then forget something when you leave.
M: Ok
R: Ok call me back when your on your way back.
M: OK I will.
R: ok bye
M: byeI ended the call then walked in to the café.
"What are you doing in here?" Aaron asked. "Just clear out the other side of the back seat and I'll be out there soon." I said. "Umm..." Brian said. "Just go." I said. "Why what are you doing?" They both asked. "Shut up and go." I said getting annoyed. "Ok we'll go." Aaron said in serender with his hands up. "Thank you." I said. "Uh ha." They both said.
As they walked to the truck I wasn't really paying attention to anyone around me so I just sat down at the bar and waited for someone to take my order. "Hey what are you doing here?" Someone asked. "Oh.. um.. just getting coffe." I said realizing it was the reporter Elizabeth. "What kind?" She asked. "I don't know yet." I said. "Can I help you." A waiter said. "Um.. yeah can I get a French vennila with carmal, oh and make it to go please." I said. "Sure thing." He said. "I see you like your coffe sweet." Elizabeth said. "Yeah." I replied. "Can we finish the interview now?" She asked woth out hesitation. "Well we can talk but not a full interview." I said "ughh. Ok" she said unsaticefied but excepting my offer. "Ok." I said walking to a table knowing jr can see me. "So why cant we finish the interview?" She asked. "Because I'm doing something and were in complete public." I stated in a duh tone. "What are you doing?" She asked "working." I replied kinda trying to be a smart ass. "On what?" She asked again.What is with this chick and asking so many annoying questions like that back to back. Ughhh I hate raporters.
I thought to myself. "Paper work but I'm on a break." I said. "Cool." She said "yeah I guess." I said. "So have you found a lead on the case yet?" She asked. "Yes but that's confedentiol." I said being honest and enjoying her reactions to the awnseres she cant get. "What can you tell me?" She asked getting annoyed. "Depends what you ask." I said. "Well the last question I asked in the interview was, who do you think that kid was?" She said. "Well.. um... I don't know but I think I have a clue."I said. "Can I have a name?"She asked. "Nope." I said. "Why not?!?" She winded. "Because I'm not completely sure on it." I said. "Ughh the struggles of a reporter." She said. "Yep, hate that for you but oh well life goes on." I said. Now I'm just being an ass. "Whatever." She said getting up. "Bye." I said standing up and grabbing my coffee and leaving my jacket on perpous.

Falling in love with a criminal
Romance" Jess...Jess...Jess! " Jason said yeslling at me I didn't notice I was reliving my past that never stops haunting me. "What?" I said being pulled back into reality. "come on we got to go." he said while getting his gear on. "yeah...yeah lets go."...