~*Chapter Three*~

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It had all happened so quick. I had pushed the beast off of Scot, and it had charged at me. When I had felt this raging pain in my shoulder, I had screamed out in pain. And just as I did the creature had jumped off of me too, and run away farther into the woods.

Scott and I had jumped up, and he had run over to me to check if I was okay. I wasn't used to anyone being concerned for me, so I had flinched away from his touch immediately. The hurt in his eyes was visible.

He had picked my skinny body, and carried me out of the woods. Apparently I had fallen sleep in his arms, and he had no idea where the fuck I lived. Didn't surprise me. No one ever talked to me, so it would be impressive if anyone knew where I lived. What did surprise me though, was that I had woken up, with someone holding my hand. When I had opened my eyes, I had found myself in a bed that wasn't mine.

I had looked up a the person holding my hand, and had found out, that the mystery hand belonged to the one and only Stiles.

As soon as I saw who it was, I gasped and pulled my hand away. That woke up the poor kid in front of me who then fell off of the chair and tumbled to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He was lying on the floor with one of his feet hanging in the air.

As soon as he looked up at me, he too started laughing. Very soon we were both lying on the floor laughing like crazies. It all stopped when I heard someone else enter the room. At first, I assumed that it was Scott, but when I turned to look, I was met with the Sheriff's face instead. I quickly got off of the floor and stood up straight.

I had been taught, that when the Sheriff was approaching, you stood straight. Just like in the military.

Most of my childhood with my parents had been like military camp. And yes. I had even gone to a military camp, because my parents were too bust to have me running around in the house while they were working. We had moved from Ireland to America when I was only seven, and I was heartbroken at the time. I didn't wanna leave all of my friends and family behind. But because of my dad's stupid ass job, we had to move.

After we moved I never talked t anyone. I didn't want to make any friends in case we moved again.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone clap in front of me. I now realized, that I had locked myself away in my own head again, and I felt tears forming in my eyes because of the embarrassment.

As I ran out the door, I heard Stiles shout my name in the distance. I didn't stop running until I passed out somewhere in the woods. Once again I had tried to run away from my problems.


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