There once was a girl

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There once was a little girl,

who laughed with her dad,

who played dolls with her cousin,

who always hugged her mom

when she saved her from bad dreams,

who baked cookies with her grandmother,

and had tea parties with her friends.

There once was a teen age girl,

who always had a smile on her face,

who always went shopping with her cousin,

who visited her grandmother,

who got in fights with her parents,

who formed an alliance with her brother,

and who slept over her friends house every weekend.

That girl was here, but she left.

Her smile was always fake.

Her cousin and brother cursed her name.

She hated her dad.

Her grandmother died.

She found out the tea was poison

and that her worst nightmares were happening when she was awake.

That girl was tired.

She was tired of crying herself to sleep,

of hiding her skin,

of wanting to be thin,

of waiting to be loved.

She put a rope around her neck

and finally found her peace.

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