What happened, happened.

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 Espen laughs, looking at him. "Are you serious, no? I'm not a kinky asshole like you!" he pushes him softly.

"Watch the coffee man!" He snickers. "So you just drugged them all for fun?" he snickers.

"...Yeah!" he smiles. "Is that bad?"

"Yes!" he laughs. "But it's funny because you drugged yourself too." He looks at the sky.

"Yeah and then we had sex... and I broke up with Thala." he notes.

"I know, you told me last night." he chuckles. "I wouldn't have agreed to do stuff with you otherwise. Still, we're cool, right?" his smile fades.

"I mean, yeah. What happened, happened, and I can't exactly change that." He nods.

"Well, I have to go to school today, so I'll clean up now, and then get ready. I'll be home around six, okay?" He smiles, standing up.

"Oh, yes." he nods, and for the rest of the morning he helps him clean up. When the other has gone to school, he decides to go out for a walk through the forest, thinking about what happened. "I can't remember any of it..." he closes his eyes, imagining the scenario. "I fucked up." he sighs.

    The next couple of days pass by rather quickly. He stays at home, doing nothing as usual. Staying in bed, eating only when Sach makes him. He gets bored by friday and is glad that Sach will be home soon. He waits patiently by the door and as the other opens the door, he pretends to be putting his coat on. "Oh, Es, where are you going?" he sounds disappointed.

"I thought I'd go for a walk to the beach. Would you like to join me?"  He smiles.

Sach grins. "Only if you wear the hat." he crosses his arms.


"Wear it. Wear the hat or I'm not going." he smiles, laughing when Espen grabs the hat, putting it on.

"There, I'm wearing this old ass beanie. Happy?" He pouts, his curly hair flicking out at the front. Sach smiles widely.

"A masterpiece." He waits outside the door. Espen sighs, following after putting his shoes on. "So, how come you wanted to go for a walk? It's very unlike you." Sach looks at him, placing his hands in his pockets.

"You know me, Sach, I go on walks when I have stuff to think about." He adjusts his coat slightly, trying to avoid eye contact.

"What's to think about? What we did?" He keeps looking straight ahead. He really had to bring that up, huh? Just when he thought he could have some time away from that, he brought it up. he sighs.

"Sure, why not?" He answers sarcastically. Sach starts to blabber on about how 'it is what it is' and some other random crap, which annoys Espen. "I said I'm thinking about it, not talking about it." He looks at him.

"What's the difference?" He raises an eyebrow. The tone he'd just used was so calm and patient, compared to Espen's sarcastic, annoyed tone. They fit together perfectly, Espen thinks, and the rest of the world is blocked out. Just him and Sachairi. A sociopath and a socialite. The moon and the sun, the ocean and the sand. He could stand there all day thinking about different ways to describe them. And for the time being, he thinks he might. Just watching the other's lips move as he talks at him, his hair falling over his face perfectly in the breeze and his soft brown eyes looking sympathetic. The other was apologizing, but he took no note of it as he was too caught up in his thoughts. He thought they fit perfectly together but he knew that it wouldn't work. It couldn't. 

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