Drunken Compliments

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"Where were you the whole time?" He crosses his arms, frowning.

"In the basement, duh. Where else would I be? I hate parties. I hate people. You know this." He shrugs.

"Then why are we friends? I'm sick of you doing this every time I have a party. I thought we were friends!" He shouts a little. Espen sighs, biting his lip.

"Dude, you're drunk. Let's get you to bed." He offers a smile, pulling him to the stairs and helping up them, into Sachairi's room and into his bed.

"What about my pyjamas? I can't sleep in my clothes!" He whines. Espen looks up at him as if he was dumb, but then he remembers people are stupid when they are drunk.

"I'm not undressing you, Sach. You're my friend, it'll be weird. And anyway, it's not the end of the world to sleep in your daytime clothes." He shrugs, before getting a random hug off of Sach. "O-oh, thank you?" He blinks. When the other pulls away, he laughs in confusion. "What was that fo- Why are you crying?" he isn't sure what to do, shaking a little.

"I'm just so glad to have you as a friend man... You're always there for me when I need you and you always offer such great wisdom. I love you, dude." He wipes his eyes.

"Oh, well, uh, I'm glad you like me." He sits down, listening. He actually hates the way Sach describes him. He's not caring or friendly at all. He knows that's a lie though when he's around Sach. Anyone else and he'd disregard them but Sach is just too pure to be disregarded. And he cooks his food. He's got to credit him for that. If it weren't for Sach he'd have starved years ago. But he still hates that the other thinks so well of him. He always tells him how handsome he is and how lovely he is, but none of it is true. He's just like rotting fruit, or a tree that died a while back, or snow that's been trampled through.

"Of course I like you, but you're always so distant and cold and sometimes it hurts. I can't live with you if you're going to keep hurting me like this. Or at least I wish I couldn't. I'm too attached to you to leave you, and it sucks!" He huffs. Espen smiles. That's a lot more like what he enjoys.

"I'm sorry" He tries not to laugh. "well, you need to go to sleep now, Sach." He pulls the covers over him, shaking his head slightly. The other listens and pulls the covers up over his nose, closing his eyes, Espen leaves, turning the light out and going to his own bedroom. He sits on his bed, sighing as he falls back. He hopes the other isn't too hungover to help clean up tomorrow. He'd get in the covers, but his eyes go against his brain and shut. He falls asleep, the darkness soothing him and the silence calming his busy mind.

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