Chapter 2: The Radio

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"Natalie? Sweetie? What's wrong? Why did we have to come home?" Josey yelled running upstairs.

"Mom! I'm down here! Don't worry!" Natalie replied walking through the living room.

Natalie had blonde hair and tan skin considering they live in Texas and was very tall for her age. She was pretty skinny but not as skinny as her mother.

Scar was big, tall, and strong. He had black hair and stubble around his mouth. His real name is Quint, but when he was little he was in the woods and a group of moose attacked him, and he got a huge scar on his arm. Everyone thought it was hilarious and joked about vicious moose and stuff, but only when he wasn't around. Most people feared him.

Josey had beautiful dirty blonde hair that stretched down to her shoulders. She wasn't to tall but not short and was very skinny. She had hazel nut eyes that sparkled. But Natalie, Scar, and Albert had greenish blue eyes.

Last but not least, Albert had shaggy brown hair and always wore sun glasses he wasn't very tall a little bit taller then his wife, Josey, and strong but small.

"Okay what's up?" Albert said shuffling over to Natalie, his daughter.

"Just listen to this." Natalie said as she pulled out a radio.

"Attention Dallas, Texas citizens! A new chemical has been released by a scientist group from CEDA! CEDA says they haven't figured out who released the chemicals or what the chemicals are! If the chemicals are any threat to anything or anyone we will get back to all citizens with the important message to evacuate! Also if the chemicals are any harm, CEDA will find and arrest the illegal scientists! CEDA apologizes deeply, and we will get back to all viewers shortly!" The man spoke very fast but it seemed everyone could hear the important part, even Josey who was making her way down stairs.

"Umm... So," Scar said breaking the silence," Deadly chemicals, sound kinda bad, and plus I don't have a ride. So can I maybe st-".

Josey interrupted, "Scar honey stay all you want." "Thanks!" Scar said happily. "But we all are staying down here in the living room. Deadly chemicals? I don't wanna take the risk."

Night creeped by as they sat there until they all drifted off.


Scar's POV:

The sound of popping woke me up. I looked at the clock, which read 1:36 pm."Ugh" I silently murmured. I looked down at Natalie who was sleeping with a frown on her face nudged up to me. The thought 'Uncle Scar' rolled through my head.

The sound of popping rolled through the air again. I threw the blanket off me and looked through the window. All I saw was dark shadows lurking through the night. That's when I heard the scream.

It was the yell of a man who sounded in deep pain. I silently ran to the door in my boxers and T-shirt. I opened the door and crawled out into the darkness. There was another scream, this time female.

My feet and legs felt cold on the cold grass and air. I ran towards the screams. I even saw some dogs and cats following me silently. 'Wow animals are really smart' I thought.

As we got closer I saw people peeking around a corner some looked very pale

And scared others just looked concerned. As we neared even closer more people left with terrified looks on there faces.

Unlike the people, me and the animals were brave even though the animals showed signs of being scared. Once we got there I stopped at the corner it was just me, one girl, and the animals.

"Hey what's goi-" I asked but was interrupted by the strange girl. "Shut up boxers!" She whispered. "Boxers?" I asked confused, then looked down.

As I blushed I countered, "Look whose talking SpongeBob!" Pointing to her T-Shirt and pants. "Oh yeah! Thanks!" She said sending me a fake smile.

She was a short but skinny red-headed girl. She was feisty and she looked a little younger than me and everyone at home (except Natalie) maybe 23? We were all 26 (again excluding Natalie who is 14). She wore a long braid that reached the back of her shoulders.

"Something has been going on back there, what's been making people so scared?" I asked bringing my voice down to a whisper. "Okay listen up boxers," she said looking back at me, dodging my question." We need to see what's back there. I haven't seen anything there was to many people in the way."

As we snuck back there I realized she answered my question, she has no idea what's back here. This should be interesting for all of us including the animals.

2 dogs and a cat took ahead of us as we creeped around the alley corner. The cat came back running fast while the dogs backed up slowly but still stood their ground. The other one gave up and came back to us.

We had no idea what we were about to see until we turned the corner to see the dog, who was apparently SpongeBob's dog cause I heard her scream "Gruff!" Assuming that's his name.

He had a deep bloody gash in his side, from a weapon, probably a knife. I looked up to see 4 scientists with coats on that said CEDA. There was a bloody knife in the hand of the closest scientist who specialized in chemistry.

2 others were sitting down in lawn chairs studying something. The last one had a bottle on his hand pouring whatever was inside down on the ground, then suddenly a hand popped out of the ground.

The last thing I noticed was 2 dead bodies one female the other male. I looked at SpongeBob who screamed "RUN!!!".

She took off at the speed of light. Before I ran after her I saw Gruff breath. I crouched and grabbed Gruff as fast as I could and ran off hearing a chemist behind me yell "Hey! Thats our body!".

I felt disgusted by the stupid scientists.

Oh never mind I guess their chemists now! Whatever the only thing I'm wondering about Is that hand. It didn't look like a normal persons hand. It was scarred and almost greenish. Some raw flesh was peeling off it to.

Well tonight as the best night ever! I saw 2 dead bodies, got called boxers, met SpongeBob, and saw a hand pop out of the ground! I thought sarcastically. Well maybe one of those things weren't so bad.


Sorry about the late descriptions of the characters! Of this chapter was to long please tell me on the comments below!

Chapter Question:Which thing do you think Scar actually liked that night? Post our answers in the comments below! Oh and CEDA and Josey are pronounced seeda and Josie.

Vote, comment, follow, and share! Thanks guys! Bye!


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