Chapter 05: Breaking Up and Down- Kimberly

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Chapter 05: Breaking Up and Down- Kimberly

          “LET HIM OUT!” cried Nicole, as she pounded against the wooden door. It had been like this for the last ten minutes. Gavin, Nicole, a boy named Jesse and I all waited outside the nurse’s office, where the doctors spent all their time studying the disease.

          Finally, Dr. Jessom appears, looking exhausted.

          “Look, I’m sorry. We’re holding him until we can prove he isn’t dangerous. I’ve been sent to collect one person, and one person only to talk to him. The rest need to head back to their rooms,” sighed Dr. Jessom. He looked a mixture of tired, annoyed and frustrated.

          Nicole wiped a few angry tears and looked expectant. I stepped back; it was obvious Nate would want to talk to Nicole.

          “Where is number Six?” asks the Dr.

          I sigh. Nicole was going to flip out.

          “You want to talk to him?” Nicole asks.

          “Yes, Nate sent for him. Do you know where he is?” asked Jessom. I nod.

          “He went to talk to One, I’ll grab him,” I offer. Nicole sinks to a sitting position on the ground and puts her hands on her face.

          I run past everyone toward the Math wing, where I knew One and Six would be spending time together before lights out.

          I turn the corner and run straight into One, who catches us both and grins.

          “Where are you off to?” she asks. I smile and point at Six.

          “I need him,” I reply with a smirk.

          “For?” Six asks.

          “Nate is being held in the medical center, and I’ve been ordered to collect you.”

          “That didn’t really answer the question,” Six grumbles. I sigh.

          “Nate wants to talk to you, and he only gets to talk to one person for now, so you’d better get your ass to the medical center,” I laugh. One high-fives me and Six grins, following me. One comes as well, as I told her about the state Nicole was in.

          “Go on in,” Dr. Jessom says to Six. With one last look at One, he gulps and disappears through the door.

          “I think it would make a lot of sense if you come into my room,” One says to Nicole. I feel slightly let down, but I don’t let anyone see it. I was hoping to get to know Nicole, and invite her to stay in my room.

          “Could I?” Nicole asks, perking up slightly. One smiles and nods. I hadn’t really noticed before, but One is actually very pretty.

          “You could come too, Eight,” One smiles to me. “They let me have two extra beds since I’m the leader of Elite.” She seems a bit sheepish to let us know that they were giving her special treatment just because she was higher up on the list, but I found it a likeable quality that she had the decency to be a bit embarrassed about it.

          “Oh really? Yeah, I’d like that a lot,” I smile.

          “I figure we should get closer, being the last few awesome people out there,” One laughs. I smirk, glancing at the door. I didn’t want Dr. Jessom to come out and get angry at us for still being here, so I looked at Gavin and Jesse.

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