my phone ate shit.
it won't even turn on.
i won't be uploading much, or even at all, until i get a new one, so this might be a while. Im on my laptop now, and pictures on that look like they are pictures on a potato. i might use my moms phone once of twice, but that means nothing even slightly inappropriate. ((most of what i draw))
I had four pre-written chapters of The Creator, that were all 1.5k words each. I mourn the loss, i never saved them.
the photos, the art my friends sent me, the music.
i have a dam problem.
send me things to read, if you are enjoying a fic, i want to read it. I'm only reading Emani's fics rn. not thats thats a problem, but i read exceptionally fast.
if you are writing a fic, send it to me.
art books, fuck yeah, ill read it, and spam u with votes and comments.
until next time,
as usual,
Questions, comments, requests, or violent disagreements, let me know!! id love to hear from you!!
~a fuckin noob <3