Hogwarts Express

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Nico's POV:

Percy and I stood looking at the wall between Platforms nine and ten. We figured that you had to walk through the wall but neither of us particularly wanted to try.

I saw a family walk up to the left of us. They were pushing trolleys similar to mine and Percy's. I nudged Percy. "You think their going to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah. I'll ask." Percy walked over to them. "Hey. Do you by any chance know how to find the eleven O'clock train? I'm trying to get to this school and the train leaves at eleven."

"Why of course dear." The mother of the group said. She looked like a typical mother; slightly plump, twinkling eyes, a kind smile and the look that I was used to getting from Dementer. The one where a person was critically looking you over and saying that you need to eat more food, in Dementers case it's always cereal.

Percy tuned and called out to me, "Nico! Come here." I walked over.

"Hello Ma'am." I nodded respectfully. She looked at me surprised.

"Hello, deary. No to get onto the platform you need to run straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Ronald you show them." A red haired boy broke off from the group and ran straight at the barrier. If I had blinked I would have missed it. "Now you two go. One at time otherwise you will most likely crash into each other."

I ran towards the wall first. It was similar to shadow travelling.

I was now standing in front of a gleaming scarlet engine. I heard Percy come through, "Wow," he muttered.

The train was even cooler on the inside. Private compartments were situated beside each other for the entire length of each carriage. Even better there were two sides with an isle down the middle separating them.

Percy and I found an empty compartment and put our stuff inside. Not three minutes later the older three from the barrier walked in. "Hello. Everywhere else is full. Do you mind?" The black haired boy asked.

"Sure." Percy said motioning to the empty seats.

He sat down and began to introduce them. "Thanks. I'm Harry Potter, this is Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasly." He pointed to each in turn.

I decided to introduce us. "Well I'm Nico Di Angelo and this is Percy Jackson." We weren't allowed to reveal our true identities just yet.

The rest of the train ride was long. Especially with two ADHD demigods in a small space.

When we reached Hogwarts Minerva, daughter of Athena was waiting for us.

"I hope you're looking after my little sister." She growled.

"Of course. I would protect her with my life if necessary." Percy vowed.

"Very well. Come inside. You have a grand entrance to plan."

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