Dissapearing Act

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Annabeth's POV:

"I'm sorry. But it has been decided that you should return to you camps." Professor McGonnigal said regretfully. "I wish we could have parted on a happier note, but you are to travel back on Pegasi."

"Th-thank you, Professor." I said.

I'd been crying since it had happened. Percy had broken his promise, he'd left me again. But I think that he was once again taken. But I don't know who took him. The gods couldn't since they had sworn on the Styx not too, that is all but one.

Just as I thought that I blacked out. When I awoke I was in a room. Percy was beside me, holding my hand and stroking my face. I let out a little giggle.

"Annabeth. You're awake!" He whisper yelled. "Why did you giggle?"

"Because it tickled. I'm so glad that we're together. It makes it so much easier." I said looking into his eyes.

"Me too." Hd kissed me. Then I head a door creak open. When I saw who it was I wasn't surprised. But apparently Percy was. "Dad?"

"Hello Percy. I'm sorry, but by order of the majority of the Olympian council you must die. Unfortunately I didn't swear that oath so it was my job to capture you. But they didn't specify that I had to keep you, so I'm letting you two go. But you need to leave now, Percy, get as far away from here as you can. I will tell your mother and Paul. Annabeth I will tell your parents as well, go to Maine. That's where you'll find Grover; he knows what to do. Now go! Hurry! Percy, I love you. Annabeth I know your mother does too. Several gods will be helping you to escape. But you must leave, good bye my son." Poseidon said tearfully. But he looked lovingly at his son.

"Tell the others. You know who to tell." I said before taking Percy's hand and letting him guide me. "I guess this is the beginning of our new life." I said when we could no longer see the palace.

"I guess, lets go see Grover!" Percy said happily swimming away with me.

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