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Joe/Draco's POV:

"I wonder what Professor Jackson wants to see you about." Pansy said.

"I dunno." But I have a feeling it's something to do with camp.

"Can I come with you?" Pansy is being so annoying. No I'm not an idiot like Percy. I know she likes me but I like someone else. Unfortunately their back at camp.

"I'm sorry but I think it's only for the four of us." With that I cleared my plate and walked up to Percy's office.

I knocked on the door. Percy opened it. "Hey Joe! Come on in." I walked in to see Professor McGonnigal and Professor Flitwick.

"Professors." I greeted them. I turned around when there was another knock on the door. Harry, Ron and Hermione; otherwise known as the golden trio, were standing framed in the doorway.

"Hey Guys. I'm sorry but this is only for Hermione."

"That's ok. Lets go Ron." Harry said. I knew they were going to try and Eve's drop on our conversation so when Luna came in I placed a silencing charm on the door knowing that Nico would just shadow travel in anyway.

Just as I predicted the shadows all formed together and out came Nico. "Hey guys." He sat down.

"Ok. So can someone put a silencing charm on the door or something?" Percy started.

"Already have." I said raising my hand slightly.

"Great. Young demigods, I give to you the... DEMIGOD SLEEPOVER!" Percy announced. "Auntie Minnie agreed to let us have it and Filius is going to be our supervisor so we don't sneak in Dakota's Kool aid or something like that. Are you guys in? Hermione has come up with the cover story so you won't be missed."

"I'm in." Luna said.

"So long as we get to spar." Nico agreed.

"Why not?" I shrugged.

"Yay! Hermione. What's the cover story?" Percy asked.

"Pretty much just say something along the lines of an overnight training camp for Defence Against the Dark Arts class for selected students and Professors Flitwick and Jackson are supervising."

"I'm never going to get used to the fact that you're a teacher." I smirked.

"Neither. Why don't you all grab your stuff, we're sleeping in my office, bedroom place... but the party bit will be down here in the classroom. That way we have plenty of room. Lets go. I'm getting food." Percy announced kissing his Great Aunt on the cheek and running out with the rest of us.

I ran down to the dungeons to grab a sleeping bag, pillow and anything else I'd need.

On my way in I literally ran into Slughorn. "Hey Professor Slughorn. I need to grab some stuff and go back up to Professor Jackson. I've been selected for a special Defence Against the Dark Arts training course. And since its Friday night and it goes late I will be staying with Professor Jackson tonight." I explained.

"Very well. But I want your homework done by tomorrow night." Slughorn obliged.

"Thanks Professor." I grabbed all my stuff and ran back up to Percy's office to dump my stuff off and headed down the stairs that joined the classroom and his office.

"Hey Perce!" He turned around. "How's Annabeth?" I asked.

"Yeah. I was about to IM her. You want to talk to her?"

"Yes, please. That would be great."

Percy pulled out a drachma and made some mist using his son of Poseidon powers. "Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase, Camp Half-Blood." He threw in a drachma. And Annabeth came up on the screen. I looked like someone was kissing her. She managed to break away and punched them in the face. I didn't see who it was because their back was towards us.

"Never touch me again." Annabeth growled. She ran off. Percy swiped his hand through the mist and pulled out another drachma.

"Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase." This time Annabeth was alone beside the canoe lake. "Hey Wise Girl." Percy said gently. "I saw what happened. It's ok. Nice punch, by the way, who was it."

She just shook her head. I decided she needed cheering up so I stepped into view. "Joe! What are you doing there. I thought it was only Percy and Nico!" She sounded so happy.

"I'm not the only one." As if on cue the door burst open to reveal Hermione and Luna.

"Hermione?! Luna?! Oh my gods I miss you guys so much. Where have you been?"

"Here. We're having a demigod sleepover tonight. Filius is supervising, and Percy's Great Aunt Minnie said we could have it." Hermione explained.

"Ok. But none of Dakota's Kool aid." Annabeth said grudgingly. "And make sure you do get some sleep."

"Ok. I love you Wise Girl."

"I love me too Seaweed brain. But I love you more." I fake gagged with Nico.

"Nico, Joe. Stop that. I need to go. Dinner is in two minutes. I love you all." She swiped her hand through the mist. And disappeared from view.

Harry's POV:

Hermione explained about the limited space over-night training camp happening tonight and how Professor Jackson had to choose three student but Nico was already involved in it so he was just taking Nico along with him.

I wanted to find out more about Professor Jackson so Ron and I decided to sneak into his office.

Not even Alohamora was working. It was obviously locked with strong magic. I wonder what secrets Professor Jackson is keeping.

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