//Chapter 1//

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Jacobs POV:
Beep Beep Beep
I turned over and slapped my alarm clock, time to leave great. Today I was going on the Last Text World Tour, I grabbed my clothes out of my closet that I wanted to wear I chose this outfit

It was a plain black shirt with some black jeans and some shades. I took my clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower, after I showered I put my clothes on and did my hair I put my gel in and combed it then brushed my teeth went downstairs grabbed a banana. "Jacob dont eat anything yet we are going to get something" my mom yelled at me. I put the banana back and went to my room I got my suitcases and put them in the car, I grabbed my phone, charger, and wallet. I sat on my bed and did three musical.ly's, the first one was the song Last Text and the caption was 'going on the Last Text World Tour today. Who's coming?😊😍❤'. "Jacob come on its time to go" my dad yelled "Coming" I yelled back. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs and left. "Jacob come on we are going to be late" my dad yelled at me "Im coming dad" i said in an aggravated tone "Dont get smart Jacob" he said back "Whatever lets just go".
I got in the car and we drove to McDonalds to get some breakfast. We entered the restaurant and got some food when we got done we left I fell asleep on the way there. I woke up 2 hours later at the airport. I got out of the car and got my stuff my parents walked with me they put my luggage up there while I went and gave my ticket to the lady after that I went and said bye to my mom and dad, then I left and got on the plain. I sitting alone until a gorgeous girl sat beside me. "Hi im Hazily" she greeted "Hi Hazily Im Jacob" I greetef back "Oh my god you Jacob Sartorius!" she said excitedly "Yeah but dont say it to loud I dont usually go on public plains" I told her "Ok" She said back "Whats your social media" I asked "My instagram, musical.ly, snapchat, and twitter is Duhitzhaizly. And I have a Jacob fan page on instagram and musical.ly" she said "Ok whats the fanpage" I asked "R.J.S.FanPage" I followed her on all her social media and I could here her phone 'ding ding ding' "Yeah you might wanna put it on silent" I said "Yeah, I might want to" she replied. After about 5 minutes of staring at her while she was on her phone i finally managed to spit out. "Haizly can i have your number" I asked nervously "Yeah of course" she said giving me her phone i gave mine we exchanged phone numbers and she laid her head on shoulder and I laid my head on hers and we both went to sleep. I woke up and it was time to get off the plain which made me sad I shook Haizly and said "Haizly its time to get off the plain" I tried not to cry because I think I have feelings for this girl. We got off the plain and she hugged me and I instantly hugged her back "Goodbye Jacob, I love you" she said "Bye Haizly I love you too. Call me later" I said "Ok bye" and then we walked the opposite direction and left.

Haizlys POV:
The words 'I love you' rang in my head. Does Jacob really love me I hope he does, I met my parents and asked them if I could go to one of Jacobs concert's . "Well of course anythink for my pumkin" my dad said "Oh my god really thanks I love you so much" I said excitedly "We love you to sweetie now go get ready and I will buy tickets"my mom said. bzzz bzzz bzzz my phone was ringing I reached for it and it said 'Jakey❤❤' "hold on mom Jacobs calling" I said. I answered and put it on speaker
H:Hey Jacob
J:I got a suprise for you can you and your parents meet me at starbucks
H:Yeah sure
J:Ok see you then
H:Bye love you
J:Love you too
I looked at my parents who were looking at me "Come on please" i begged "Ok fine go get ready" my dad said "Ok you to because you can look better than that" I said "Whats wrong with what we are wearing" My dad questioned "Just change please and look nice" i said "ok we will" my mom said. I went upstairs and changed into this outfit

 I went upstairs and changed into this outfit

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It was a blue and white dress. i did my hair and makeup I curled my hair just put on some foundation and mascara, I grabbed my phone went downstairs. My mom and dad was sitting at the table waiting "Wow you look nice" I told them "You too honey" my mom said "Come on lets go" I said as my mom grabbed the keys and left and went to starbucks to meet Jacob when we arrived I saw Jacob sitting in the resturant at the counter he turned around and saw me, he ran towards me and I ran towards him we hugged for a minute then my mom and dad got out we went in the resturant and there was just a few people but I only reconized one person and that was

To be continued

Your almost there

Keep going

A few more


My bullie I sensed trouble but before I could make it out of the resturant "Haizly come here, you didnt learn your lesson last week" I heard Josh say "Josh leave me alone" I said as I ran to Jacob I went to Jacob and stood infront of him and said "Jacob help me" I was so scared "Haizly whats wrong" he asked conserned "My bullie Josh is trying to hurt me hes over there he said he was going to tech me a lesson that i needed to learn" I pointed to Josh, and Jacob walked over to him I dont know what Jacob was going to do or say but they both walked outside and I saw
A/N: Cliffhanger ok so i will be updating weekly and yeah make sure to go follow @hiplikevv and read her book bye cuties❤❤😍

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