Chapter 19

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*Adrien's P.O.V*

Adrien walked to class with Marinette, late. Ms. Bustier looked at the two curiously. "Why did you two arrive late?"

"We um-" Marinette looked for an excuse but was cut off by Adrien. "I was helping Marinette Dupain-Cheng who was feeling emotionally unwell due to the insults and derogatory comments made by Chloe Bourgeois who is a pupil in this class."

Ms. Bustier blinked, then started to smile. She obviously got what he was doing, it was pretty obvious. He never stated that Marinette was crying, just that she was feeling down so that she wouldn't be embarrassed by the whole class.

When he was talking about Chloe though, he put her in a situation where she had to get in trouble, and even stated that she was in the very class Ms. Bustier was teaching.

"Alright," said Ms. Bustier, "You both won't be counted tardy."

"Thank you, ma'am," Marinette and Adrien said in unison as they walked towards their spots, only to find that the second table was available.

"Sorry," Alya said with a grin. "You guys were late." She pointed up towards where she and Marinette usually sat. "You two can sit right there."

Adrien sat at Marinette's spot with Marinette in Alya's.

"Chloe!" Ms. Bustier said. "Go to the principal's office please."

Chloe huffed, "What did I ever do? I'm going to tell Daddy about this!" And with that, Chloe Bourgeouis stomped out of the room.

"Adrien?" Marinette said. "What was with all that formal talk?" Adrien didn't reply.

She poked him with the back of her pencil and Adrien jumped up, thankfully Ms. Bustier didn't notice.

"Why were you so formal?" Marinette asked him again.

"I was talking formally because I wanted to practice writing an autobiography about our married life in the future." He replied.

Marinette blushed, not pressing further. They listened to Ms. Bustier talk for a few minutes, neither saying a word until Marinette spoke. 

"I'm going to spam you with texts after school if you don't tell me," She threatened, still curious.

 "And I'll read every single one," Adrien replied. "Anything you write has to be amazing because you're amazing."

With that, Marinette abruptly shut her mouth once more, blushing again. Oh, how he loved making her blush. It was entertaining and amusing.

With that, Adrien and Marinette sat in silence for the rest of the class, trying to pay attention to the teacher. Every now and then Alya and Nino would look back at them, one at a time, or sometimes both of them at the same time.

Adrien looked back at Marinette, she was just so... so... amazing. When she was Ladybug she was impossible to reach, but now, now she was very close and he knew that he just had to reach out and take the opportunity. But he was still nervous. 

I'll confess to her after the City-Wide gaming event. Or maybe at the end of the year dance. One of those would work. 

The gaming event was close and the dance followed it. Maybe I'll confess at the dance. Yes, I'll go confess at the dance, he thought. I'll be dressed in my best and so will she, and at the end of it, I'll pour out my feeling for her.

Yup, he had it all planned, he just hoped it would go out perfectly.

Someone booped his nose and Adrien jumped up, falling out of his chair. 

"Adrien," Marinette said. "It's time to go to our next class." She held out her hand and he took it, standing up.

She picks me up when I'm down, Adrien thought with a smile, that's one of the reasons why he loved her. Marinette was just so kind, willing to help people.

Adrien realized he didn't say anything for a while and spoke up. "Let's go then, Princess,"

Marinette rolled her eyes, obviously getting used to the whole Princess facade. "Hurry up, I'm not going to be late just because of you."

She was waiting for him? That made sense. Adrien quickly packed up his stuff, "Let's go," He said, already stepping out the door.

"Wait up, Adrien," Marinette said running after him.

Adrien laughed. Some things didn't change with Marinette, especially the part about her being late all the time. 

Marinette caught up to his pace. "I just wanted to say... um-"

Her voice got caught off by Adrien. "You love me?" He asked with a smirk.

"N-no, it's not that," Marinette said, "Thanks for telling Ms. Bustier about Chloe for me and for sticking up for me. Thanks for everything."

"It's nothing, Princess," Adrien replied. "Your knight in shining armor wil always be there for you."

"Only when I need help, of course," Marinette added. "Because I can fight for myself."

"I know," Adrien said. "But I'll be by your side, your partner,"

Marinette blushed. Wait... Adrien thought, Did she think that I meant a marriage partner?

Adrien burst out laughing. "I didn't mean that, Marinette. I meant like an ally."

"Oh," Marinette said, blushing in embarrassment. 

Adrien was going to press in further but then realized that he shouldn't. "Come on, Marinette," He said. "We're getting late for class."

Marinette smirked, "You mean you're getting late for class." And with that, she raced towards the classroom. 

"Hey, not fair," Adrien yelled out, running after her. Oh, how he loved that girl.

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