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A/N: I warned you all. it's terrible.

In the Future

*Third Person POV*

"And so that's how you and Daddy love each other?" Emma asked, her eyes wide. Marinette nodded as she tucked Emma in.

"We even went to his Dad to tell him about our relationship. Surprisingly, he agreed." Marinette said with a smile.

"Here's some exciting stuff," Adrien stated. "We were still curious about us being Youtubers so we went a couple of times to Master Fu, who has some sort of Youtube account related to fighting styles and relaxation methods."

Marinette interrupted him, "We even had to deal with a hacker named Hawkmoth. After that horrible incident, Master Fu told us the secret of us being Youtubers. It was to spread happiness across Paris, and the rest of the world..."

"And in the end, we made each other happy by finding each other." Adrien finished.

Emma clapped. "Say it again!" Adrien and Marinette both shook their heads, laughing. "We told you this story so many times, Emma," Adrien said.

"But it's so happy!" Emma exclaimed. "You know what makes it really happy?" Marinette questioned.

"What?" Emma asked. Marinette smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead, "You and Louis and the next baby coming on the way."

"And his name is going to be Hugo!" Emma said. Marinette nodded her head, "I can't wait for Hugo."

"He has to have blond hair though," Adrien stated. "He needs blond hair. He will be my Sunshine child, my little cinnamon roll."

Marinette stared at him, "That's what everyone said about you, Adrien." Adrien brought his finger to his lips, "Shh...."

Adrien planted a kiss on Emma's forehead, then on the sleeping Louis's. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight Mommy and Daddy," Emma said as she drifted off to sleep.

And the two lovebirds left the room. Marinette turned to Adrien, who started smiling. "You are not calling Hugo your sunshine child," Marinette stated.

"Why not?" Adrien asked. 

"You can nickname Hugo something else. I know Emma is Kit-Kat, Louis is Angel, but you will not name Hugo your Sunshine." Marinette said.

"Why not?" Adrien asked as the 17-year-old cat Estelle rubbed against his leg. "Because you are my Sunshine," Marinette whispered.

"And you are mine," Adrien said, sealing the gap between them.

You are my Sunshine, forever and always. Forever and always... 

A/n: This was really horrible But it is done.

(There'll be an author note at the end)

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