Chapter 10

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Sorry for the late chapter! Hope you enjoy it though.

Next chapter for the first time will be in Matt's POV! *crowd roars and cheers*

Biscuit xxx

My best friend is a Jerk


Chapter 10

“I can’t believe we’re doing this”

“Well believe it”

“I really don’t want to be here”

“You have no choice”

“She’s a bitch though, a total bitch”

“She’s Matt’s bitch so we just have to tolerate it

“I hate Matt”

“Well I don’t” I rang the doorbell

“How is that my business?” she retorted

“You love me”


“If I need you to do something with me I know you will do it”

She opened her mouth but quickly shut it again. She huffed and folded her arms

“Good girl” I shot her a smug grin “Now hold this bag” I handed over the plastic bag and she grabbed onto it reluctantly, sulking like a three year old.

After waiting a couple of more seconds the door flew open, a nervous looking Matt standing by the doorway.

“Hey guys” he smiled. He stepped out of the way letting us in. Amy stormed in first with me following behind.

We stood by the bottom of the stairs as Matt closed the door behind him.

He turned around flashing another nervous grin. It was weird seeing him act shy.

He must really like this girl.

“So uh...thanks guys...for this”

I nodded, Amy just glared.

“I mean” he gestured at Amy “For someone who is a cruel, cold-hearted bitch like yourself, this means a lot. I think you’re less of a dog now”

“I’ve already planned my outfit for when you die.” she flipped him off and stormed up the stairs.

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