Chapter 15

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Hey Not too Late I'm I?

Enjoy the next installment of MBFIAJ

Biscuit x

My Bestfriend is a Jerk

Chapter 15

[Matt’s POV]

The final bell rang and I rushed out of my seat, the car park was right at the other end of the school. Rushing out before everyone else I found myself into the crowded hall.


 I quickly stopped in my tracks and turned around. I scanned the busy hallway for the source.

“Oh” I fake gagged.

It was just him.

I quickly turned around and continued walking towards the exit. Rosalie was probably by my car by now.

“Excuse me!” I felt a solid grip on my upper arm “I was calling you!”

I stop and sigh “I know”

“Then why didn’t you stop?”

“Your ugly face sent me running”

He folded his arms “Wow for someone as hideous as yourself it’s ironic that you’re here calling me ugly”

I cocked a brow “That was weak man”

His face crinkled into something indescribable but incredibly humorous “Anyways” he cleared his throat awkwardly, blushing slightly “We need to talk”

I sighed “Well make it quick Blake, Rosalie is probably waiting for me”

“Oh I know she is; that’s who we’re talking about”

My curiosity suddenly sparked “Really, why?”

“Come with me” he turned around sharply on her feet, I was tempted to slapping the back of his bitch head and running but I followed.

After a few minutes of walking he stopped outside an empty classroom, opened it and walked in, I followed, closing the door behind me

“So” he said sitting on an empty desk “I’m just going to go straight to the point”

“Ok...” I motioned him to continue

“You’re taking advantage”

“Advantage of who?”

“Who do you think?”

“You’re mom never told me anything like that” I threw my head back and began laughing hysterically.

Nice one Matt.

“Rose, you fucking buffoon”

My laughter ceased immediately “What did you call me?” I tilted my head to the side

He swallowed “A buffoon”

I chuckled

That must have taken him a lot to repeat; he’s got balls.

Baby ones at least.

I’ll let him live this time.

“Okay, continue Blake.”  I smiled innocently

“These favours concerning your pregnant girlfriend, they have to stop”

“She’s been telling you about what’s going between me and her”

“Only the bits that I should or need to know”

“Why? I asked with genuine curiosity

“She’s my girlfriend!”

I sniggered, amazed by the fact I forgot “Oh yeah”

“Anyway like I was saying these favours have to stop”


He stood up “Because you selfish prick-“

My anger started to grow.

I fucking hate ignorant people.

I stood up and walked menacingly towards him, I stopped when we were inches apart. “Selfish? Every night including weekends I go and work three different jobs for that girl even though my dad’s bank card full of money is sitting in my drawer! And I don’t even love the girl!”

He kept his face stern but there was a hint of sadness or pity “Look, I know how hard it must be, I mean me and Paul were talking about it and-“

“Paul?” I cut off “What the fuck does Paul have to do with any of this?”

Realisation slapped his face “Nothing!”

“I meant Rosalie!”

I cocked a brow

“What I’m trying to say Matt, is that you need to unload you’re problems onto someone else”

I nodded “That’s a good idea” I smiled and tapped my chin “Like my dead mother? Or my father who I only see for a few days every month or so? Or the ‘friends’ I couldn’t care less for and who also don’t give a shit about me?”

He looked away

“Did Rosalie send you to talk to me?”

“No but as her boyfriend I feel –“

“The key word was ‘no’” I interrupted “And I’ll tell you why she didn’t”

He sighed

“Rosalie, knows I have no one, she knows I don’t like asking for favours off anyone, so when I’m asking her she knows there is no one else to help me”

I took a deep breath, realising how angry I was “She knows that I would do anything for her at anytime and anyplace”

I walked away and headed towards the door one hand on the door knob “Next time you say I’m taking advantage of her I’ll Break your fucking neck” I walked out slamming the door behind me and ran the rest of the way

[Rosalie’s POV]

“Where is that jerk?” I mumbled quietly to myself. I was now sitting on the hood of his car waiting for Matt to make an appearance

“Be here straight after school, he flipping said”

And now the car park was completely empty.

I dug into my bag searching for my phone, give him a piece of my flipping mind.

“Rosalie” my head instantly turned to the sound of his voice. He was breathing heavily

“You ran?”

“Of course”


“Annoying teacher kept me back”

“Oh I see, could have told me idiot”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know” he walked over towards me and helped me off the car.

We both separated and climbed into the car

“Are you ready?” I looked at him and asked

“Yeah” he smiled.

He put his key in ignition and started the car, as we drove out of the car park I turned on the radio which now played softly in the background

“Hey Rosalie, thanks for doing this with me, I appreciate it you know”

“I know” I smiled

“Cool” he nodded and continued on to ask

“Who is Paul?”

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