Electric Love

16 4 2

Song: Electric Love- BØRNS

Quote: 'Baby you're like lightning in a bottle. I can't let you go now that I've got you.'

˙·٠•●♥ ƸӜƷ ♥●•٠·˙

The hallway is anything but lovely place. Girls were screaming, they were fanning themselves and just overall acting like Harry Styles hugged them or something. To be honest, I never keep up with any dates of activities so I don't know if Harry Styles was actually supposed to come. Probably not though. No one would ever want to come here to perform at the local stinky gym located in the literal MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!

No one comes up to me or says anything. I sigh piling my arms with the stacks of  books only needed to walk to one place. AKA 'homeroom'. The cheap lockers can barely fit a single thing in them. Therefore, I literally can't add any decorations or  else my books will rub them off a day later, or the fact that my books won't fit.

Finally while I'm walking to class a girl shouts in my face. The face. Like, out of everywhere she could've shouted, she shouted in my face getting spit everywhere.

"JORDAN AND EMMA BROKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SINGLE!" The annoying spit-tacular (see what I did there? ;) ) girl spits.

Right there, right then, I wanted to hide under a rock and bury myself. Although I like Jordan, I somehow felt that it was my fault for the all-the-sudden breakup of the year. It has been three days since the coffee shop incident thing, and Emma has changed from the shy nice girl she was when we were juniors.

But now we are seniors and the lot of us has changed. And a lot of secrets have been suppressed from each other. Especially the lesser known fact that me and him used to chat over Instagram. That was also something that half the girls here would die to do.  And me, what did I think about the whole experience? I thought he was a big brat who's an egomaniac (I mean, he is, but IDK). That was before, yet now, all I want is for him to go back to him. Who knew you could fall in love with your enemy?

Around the hall I can see Maia staring at all the chaos with her wide confused eyes. Yup. Been there done that. Still there. Without knowing what I'm doing (or thinking about that I'm doing, might I add), I walk up to her and say the most stupid sentence that I've ever said in my life (well maybe not the stupidest, I'm very stupid in general. Like the fact that I fell in love with my enemy *cough*).

"Don't worry, it's not the next civil war or anything. Well, I mean- kinda. The most popular guy at our school, Jordan Oliver, broke up with his girlfriend, Emma Flitz. And yeah, as you can see, all the girls are going absolutely crazy about the news. They would actually kill for the guy. Anyways, steer clear of those girls, for the moment, until they calm down. Just to stay safe, you know?" I forget that I'm actually speaking to someone as I ramble on and on about the stuff going on here.

But Maia's reaction was not what I was expecting. What I was expecting was a confused stare and an awkward moment of silence, instead, here's what I got. A laugh. She laughed at my horrible rambling. It wasn't an 'oh you are so dumb I pity you peasant' kind of laugh. It was a genuine 'wow' kind of laugh.

"Wow. That's impressive. One single guy who can make all of these girls go completely insane. He must really be a sight." Her response is exactly what I was thinking. Why does he drive all of these girls insane? (I'm a different story, okay? I got to know his personality.)

Maybe not a sight. . . But a nice-ish personality and a smurfish face.

"If you want to know what he looks like, then just look behind you to where I sit at the back of the class and look to my right. Only one seat. That's him. The guy who's glaring at me twenty-four, seven." Maia seems a little confused now.

"Why would he be glaring at you so much?"

Oh you know, me kind of just abandoning him right after he told me that he loved me, knowing that I hold one of the biggest blackmails on him in history of blackmails on him, you know. The usual stuff.

"No reason. Just that we're enemies and that he's a big egomaniacal idiot." I don't know how I manage to do it. My smile on my face isn't cracking a single inch. Maybe because it gives me joy to think about him, but it also brings pain and sorrow. Like a bittersweet feeling.

"Oh. I guess that explains a lot. But then why did you sit next to him? Or did you not get to pick seats or something like that?" Dang. She's curious.

"We got to pick seats, but unfortunately for me and him, he came in late and the only seat for him was next to me. All the fan girls are going to kill me now." Maia chokes out another laugh at my comment.

"But why would the last be next to you? You seem so nice." She states.

"Just because I'm an extrovert and no one really wants to sit next to me. I'm kind of part of the unnoticed bunch." I shrug.

"Oh." That's all that comes out of her mouth at the super long string of questions I answer.

"Anyways, want to go to class now? It's about time and Ms. Tuuhinm will give us a pop quiz and cleaning duties if we're late." I suggest pulling her along. I think I just made a new friend, a quite weird meeting if you ask me, but still a mutual friend. (At least, I think so)

I wrote half of this chapter on another device than my normal one, so please feel free to point out any grammar mistakes! Thank you 😊

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I wrote half of this chapter on another device than my normal one, so please feel free to point out any grammar mistakes! Thank you 😊

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