Chpt.3~Childish,Drunken Party Games

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Chpt.3~Childish,Drunken Party Games


20 Minutes Later


"Hey,hey,hey,remember that...that treehouse we had when we w-were kids?!"Rex exclaimed and bursted into laughter.

"R-remember that time Nathan tried to kiss Jaxx when they were 10 and s-she said he had cooties and pushed him out of the treehouse?"He continued. Everyone laughed while Nathan,rolled his eyes,amused.

"Let's play a game!" Rex suddenly said,sitting on the floor.

Everyone followed suit and sat down,forming a circle.

"Nathan! Truth or dare?"Jason asked,pointing at him,with a constipated look on his face. I chuckled,being only slightly tipsy while everyone else,except for Nathan,was drunk out of their minds.

"Truth,"he shrugged.

Nice choice.

Their dares usually always had something to do with making out with someone or humping an inanimate object. Of course most od those dares came from Jason. Might I remind you,the pervert.

"You're no fun!"he pouted but continued anyway. He put a hand on his chin,as if thinking and when his eyes landed on me,he grinned.

"Do you still have feelings for Jaxx and do you want to get back together with her?"He questioned,pointing at Nathan. I laughed because of how much he resembled the evil monkey off of Family Guy,while doing so.

Yup,just a little tipsy.

"Um,yeah. Dude,you already knew that,everyone did. Even Jaxx knew. I put it in the note,"he chuckled and Jason gave him a defeated look before grinning at me but before he could ask me anything,Nathan spoke.

"Jaxx,do you want to get back together with me?"he asked,grinning and I playfully pouted.

"I was gonna choose dare,"I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"Answer the question!" Jason grinned.

All of a sudden,Nathan took his hands in mine,faced me and asked,"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I pretended to think about it.

"Well,"I pitched and when I saw the apparent disappointed and jealous look on his face,I laughed.

"Of course,"I grinned. He smirked and leaned down to kiss me until Jason stopped us.

"No! Please swallow each others tongues when I'm not in the room,"he said,putting his hand up above his head for no apparent reason. Nathan rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I have a d-different game we can play!"Max suddenly said and hiccuped afterwards,"Hide and seek!"

"Yes!" Rex shouted and stood up,pointing at Max,"Yes!"

"Of course but do we all know the three rules?" Nathan scolded,like a parent.

Everyone nodded,in an unspoken agreement.

1.No Invisibility

2.No Shape-shifting

3.No Shadow conjuring,(of any kind).

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