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Charles Dunahey looked around his office.

A room with dark wood walls, a window covered with dark blue curtains. Certificates and pictures hung on the walls. In one was the Secretary Of Defence handing him the Silver Star from almost twenty-five years ago. His desk was covered with files which he had to look through and sign.

Charles sighed.

It was never this hard.. or boring.. Remembering when he was just a rookie. Going to crime scenes and catching the bad guys. Now he just sat in this office and read reports of other people catching the bad guys.

Picking up this phone, he hit one and this secretary's phone rang.

"Kathy, can you please bring Aiden and Daren in here please."

"Of course Mr.Dunahey."

Leaning back on his black leather chair that had been a gift from his second wife, Charles thought back to life before Aiden Micheal Johnsen had transferred into his unit.

Only one word came to mind


The chief police of the Chicago Task Force had looked at him saying "He's one handful Kit. Hell, about double of yours and mine put together.. Got a hard past this one does. But nowadays who doesn't? Just keep him in raps kay? His methods are.. .. unique. But he gets the job done. Sent him here cause the boy's got a real talent. Just look the other way once in awhile" with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Don't worry Bob. In all my years there has not been one that I couldn't handle. This one's not gonna be any different."

How wrong he was.

The six foot troublemaker kept him on his feet alright. With a ripped tanned body and dark black hair, he had all the women in the office around his finger. With those ocean blue eyes to go with that idiot smile of his, he knew how to use everyone and everything to his advantage.

But then thinking of what the boy had gone through..

The office door opened and Aiden walked in wearing black jeans and a plain white top. Behind him was Daren James.

Now that was another interesting story.

Daren was an orphan who had been a witness to a murder in one of their cases many years back. After the case was solved, Daren had asked to join BAU. With intensive training, Daren quickly rose through the ranks and was this best agent.

Till Aiden.

After that, they had become partners and doubled the trouble.

"You called sir?" Daren said while sitting down on one of the chairs in front of him. Aiden took the other.

"Yes. The Brooke town is having a bit of a problem."

"Yeah we know. We were just watching the update.. Another body? That can't be good." Aiden said.

"Stating the obvious much Johnsen?!" Daren shot back.

"Now now.. that's enough." Charles said as Aiden was about to get up. "The sheriff is a long time friend of mine has asked for my help. I don't believe it was an easy thing for her to do, and that means that things have to be pretty bad down there. I want both of you to go and assist with the investigation.You both will ASSIST. No taking over or giving orders. Ms.Chase is walking on very thin ice at the moment and God help you both if you two happen to be the idiots who breaks that ice." giving them a stern look "She has friends in very high places but will kick you two back here with her bare hands.."

"Wohoo! Finally! Something to do." Daren jumped up and looked to Aiden, who had not said a single word. "Aiden? You okay?"

Aiden ignored him and said quickly "Isn't Sierra Chase the town sherif?"

"Yes. You know her?" Charles leaned towards Aiden.

"Long ago.. She must have forgotten me by now." Aiden said.

"Well, that's great. I'll just call her and tell her someone she knows will be helpi.."

"NO!" Aiden shot up "Nono.. No need. Just tell her that your sending someone." he said, turning a light shade of pink.

Daren and Mr. Dunahey exchanged looks while Charles said "Okayy.. Anyway, go pack and leave tomorrow morning. The jet will be waiting at the airport at 9am. Don't be late. Good luck."

"You got it boss!" Daren saluted him and marched out of the office with Aiden slowly tagging behind.

"You okay Aiden?" Daren said once they were out of the door "Aiden..??"

"Hmm.. What?" He straightened up, looked at him and walked towards the elevator "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go and pack okay? See you tomorrow."

"Sure.. Go take a cold shower or something."

Aiden just walked to the elevator and pressed the down button.

Sierra.. How long has it been..

What am I going to tell her once I see her? Maybe she won't remember me.

His heart tightened to the thought that she may not remember him.

I can't tell her.. But..


What if she doesn't want to see me?

What if she doesn't care?

What if she already has someone?!

He grit his teeth just thinking about her touching someone else. Kissing another with those soft pink lips..

Aiden groaned. His pants tightened.

NO AIDEN! Your going there for a job! A madass lunatic is running around killing people and you need to stop him. You can't let your feeling get in the way.

Even thinking it, he knew it was lie.

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