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Sierra looked at him and thought she was seeing a ghost. Or worse, this being one of her nightmares..

But no, he stood there as clear as day, looking straight at her with those knowing eyes..

Her legs went rigid, her whole body stiffening up. 

What the hell was he doing here?! Where has he been?! Why now?! Am I dead?! Yes! That's it! I'm dead... Oh Gawd I hope I'm dead!

Anger. Hurt. Pain. Betrayal. More anger.. But there was also a tiny bit of happiness..

She was happy to see him?! What the hell was wrong with her?! He left her! Without a word, a note! Not even a single stupid text message! Screw happiness!

Sierra was mad. Real mad. She could feel her whole body heating up, stiffening as if readying for a fight. She could feel the knife in her boot screaming at her, wanting to be thrown, to bury itself deep within the bastard's stone heart.

Thunder cracked outside. Flinching at the sound, she cursed. 

Damn you Sierra! Pay attention!

She looked at him and zeroed in on the FBI jacket he had on.

FBI?! He works for the freaking Feds?! Whatttt?! .. I can't believe this! And don't tell me he going to be working with me! Is he..?!?! I just.. wait! No. There has to be some mistake. This guy just looks like him. That's It! I mean REALLY looks like him..

But Sierra knew she was wrong.

Should I shoot him..?? No, I'd never get away with it.. Or would I?

Her hands flinched for her gun as her thoughts raced all over the place.

She suddenly found herself racing back to the first time she had met him.

Sierra, sitting in Spanish class, bored as hell, when he walked in. Damn! Now there's a fine piece of meat! she remembered thinking. Her Spanish teacher had stopped talking and turned to him "Oh yes, Mr. Johnsen right? Right, now class, this is Aiden Johnsen. Now he's new here and I expect you to welcome him with open arms. Entendido?" After getting bored nods from the class, Miss. Waverly said "Okay Mr. Johnsen, I'm Miss. Waverly and I'll be teaching you Spanish. Since most of the seats are taken, I guess you can sit next to Sierra."

"Er.. what Miss. Waverly?"

Ignoring her, Miss. Waverly pointed to the seat next to hers and nodded.

The first thing that popped into Sierra's mind as Mr. Johnsen sat next to her was Damn he smells good! And not too bad on the looks either..

He turned and looked straight at her. Sierra was taken back as she looked into those blue eyes. Then he smiled at her


Her thoughts were interrupted as Daren shouted "Great you're here! Everyone, this is my partner Aiden Johnsen."

Ohh damn it

. . . 

Aiden knew she remembered him. At first there was shock, which was quickly replaced with anger. He could feel it from where he was standing, the hairs on his arms stood up as he felt her painfully cold aura reach him.

Now that's new..

He could see a few of the more older, more experienced officers stiffen and look around as they felt it too. Daren had stopped talking and had taken a full scan of the room until his eyes reached his. He must have forgotten about it as he said "Great you're here! Everyone, this is my partner Aiden Johnsen."

Suddenly that cold feeling just disappeared. Aiden instantly looked at Sierra just in time to see layers of thick titanium walls fall behind her eyes, blocking any emotion at all from getting through. He had caught her off-guard when he walked in, but now that her defences were up, he was going to have a hard time getting anything out of her. He also had not missed that small twitch her right hand had done, almost like Sierra was just about to pull out her gun and drop him dead.

Shit. This is worse than I thought. She wants to kill me!

Aiden gritted his teeth as some guy with a marine haircut appeared behind Sierra with a worried expression on his face, whispering something in her. Aiden could see her reply "It's nothing, I'm fine."

"Aiden..?" Daren said a little louder with a confused expression on his face.

"Hmm? Oh! Hello everyone, I'm Aiden" He walked quickly to the front to join his partner "Mr. James here might or might not have informed you, but we are here just to help out. Your sheriff called us, and we came. Nothing more." Smiling as he reached the front, he turned to face the people in the room while trying very hard not to look at their sheriff whose eyes he could feel, were burning into him. He knew the offices in the room were 'looking' at him, and he could see a blond woman sitting at the left from him actually smile at him. But the rest sat there normally, no gawking, winking, or anything that he was used to getting.

Wow, these people are actually trained quite well.

"Okay.. Now since that's all over, your sheriff has said that you have found something?" Daren looked at Sierra, who in turn looked at a young, short woman wearing a lab coat. With her chocolate brown hair tied behind her back, her thin spectacles firmly set close to her eyes, she gave Sierra a nod and walked towards the front.

"Gentlemen, my name is Kate and I'm the Medical Examiner." Then she turned towards the officers and started explaining how she had found the murder weapon, what it was and disappointingly said that the weapon could not be traced. A few groans were heard around the room about that but went back to listening when she started explaining the cuts on the latest victim.

This whole time Adien had been thinking about Sierra, but when Kate started talking about the stab wounds, he started paying attention. When he heard what that sonofabitch had done to a 16 year old girl, he felt his blood start to boil.

Asshole. Your going down you sick bastard.


Well hello hello! Haven't written in a really long time.. Sorry bout that. Anyways! Well this was them finally meeting! How exciting right? Do vote, comment & leave any suggestions about how you would like the story to go. If your imagination is better than mine, then I just might change it ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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