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Sierra sat at her desk looking through the case file - again. There was something she was missing. She knew it.

Wait, they all wen..

"Em Sheriff, the guys from the FBI are here. Should I ask them to go to Meeting Room 3?" Zack asked.

"Sure Zack. I'll be there in a moment. Ask the group assigned with this case to gather there. We'll have a briefing and aft... Zack, why are you not in autopsy?" She looked up from the case file to him.

"Oh, right. Kate asked me to tell you that the knife used was a steel German Trench Knife. The tip was broken when the knife hit the rib. She was able to track the knife back to a company in Germany. But it's sold all over the world. We won't be able to trace it."

"Damn!.. But good work. Finally we are getting somewhere. Ask Kate to come to the meeting room. She can explain the knife and the wounds to the Suits." Sierra got up as Zack rushed back to give the orders. "AND TELL JOSH TO MEET ME THERE!"

"Yess ma'am!"

Sierra got up and combed through her long ruby hair as it hung loosely around her. She tucked her Glock 19 Gen 4 into its holster, adjusted her long black leather coat and the tight white turtleneck underneath it. Her black stretch editor pants fit perfectly with her Christian Louboutin Altbotte platform black boots and allowed her to move comfortably with the marine combat knife hidden in her boot. Satisfied, she started walking on the red mahogany hardwood flooring towards the meeting room.

When her parents finally accepted that she was actually serious about her job, they insisted on renovating the whole Sheriff Office.

Before it was a one story building with sufficient air-conditioning, a worn down gym and three small holding cells with a nice garden in the front of the office. Now it stood four stories high. Made with cement, titanium and glass, it looked like a modern architectural show-office than a small town Sheriff Office. On the ground floor was the reception, canteen, waiting hall,two offices and two bathrooms. The first floor had the offices for the sheriff, deputy sheriff and the senior task force with another two bathrooms and a coffee room that could fit about thirteen people . The second floor was used for the other different task forces. The third floor was for the four meeting rooms and the lab. The top floor held the Olympic-size pool and the showers. There were also three underground floors. One held the training facilities equip with an indoor shooting range and a gym. The second was for autopsy and last was used for the holding cells. The building had two elevators and three side stairs with the highest security system and the newest air-conditioning powered by four huge solar panels on the roof with two powerful back-up generators. She had the latest equipment that was only second to the CIA.

When she had moved here, the town population was around seven thousand people. Now there was more than eighteen thousand people living here, thanks to her parents who had helped build three schools and more than twenty buildings. Sierra wasn't sure that it was counted as a 'town' anymore..

Sierra walked into the meeting room and surveyed the people. There was about fifteen officers plus one FBI agent.

Only one? Charles said that he sent two. The officers parted as Sierra walked towards the Agent who was looking at the murder board.

"Hi, I'm Sheriff Johnsen, but you can call me Sierra. And you are?"

Turning with a warm smile on his face was a tall, well built man with black wavy hair and shining black eyes. At first sight, she knew he was native american. "Hello Sierra. I'm Daren James from the BAU. We are here to assist you anyway we can."

"We? I only see one of you." Sierra said smiling. He is very cute, and quite the charmer.

Daren laughed. "My partner is around here somewhere."

Josh came up from behind her.  His eyes were twinkling as he looked at Daren.

"Daren, this is my Deputy, Joshua Christopher Hann. Joshua, this is Daren James from the BAU."

Daren looked at Josh and a slow cheeky grin grew on his face. "Hi..." He put his hand out for a handshake.

Josh looked at the hand of a second, then at Daren."Hi.." he shook Daren's hand and both held on a bit longer than necessary. Both looking at each other.

Looking at them, Sierra thought What?! No way! Daren.. and Josh?! she sighed This is going to be a veryy long case.  But as she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel a bit happy for Josh, and a little jealous.

Josh looked at her, "Em, we are ready to start when you are.." then he glanced at Daren, finding him staring at him, Josh blushed and quickly walked towards the back of the room.

Oh brother..

"Shall we wait for your partner Daren?"

"Nah, I'll fill him in. We already have the case files anyway."

Sierra gave him a nod as she turned and towards the people in the room "Everyone, we shall begin. This is Mr. James from the BAU. He along with his partner, who is missing at the moment, will be assisting with this investigation. Together, we hope we can catch this bastard and finally end this. Now, Josh will brief us on the case – again, and after, Kate will tell us what she has found regarding the weapon used. Josh?"

Josh walked to the front while looking at Daren, who seemed to have been looking at him since the beginning. His face was now cherry red. Daren just leaned against the wall, grinning at him.

Just as Josh was starting the brief, he walked in.

More like gliding, Aiden entered the room at immediately his eyes locked on hers.

Sierra gasped.


It can't be!

Can it?!

No way!


Those eyes..

Those ocean blue eyes that have haunted her dreams for six years. Those eyes that had her waking up crying and shouting..

That soft black hair..

She shuddered as her dreams came rushing back to her..

Holding his hair like a lifeline as he drove into her, harder and harder. Melting around him as her skin burn with fire. Holding her hard as he brought her to ecstasy.. Pulling that hair as she screamed release!


It can't be!

Not Again.


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