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Victoria's POV
We almost kissed. Me and Carl nearly kissed AHAHAHAHHA. I was starring into his beautiful blue eyes and he was staining at my ugly eyes. He kept looking from my eyes to my lips but he shifted away. I think he might like me, but I'm still unsure why he moved away.

Carl's hand was on my waist directing me through his house. He showed me around his house, it was kinda cramped but it was alright. We heard a rustling noise coming from Debbie's room. {Carl's sister is Debbie} we walked in to see Debbie still sleeping.

"Why isn't she in school" Carl said annoyed with his teeth gritting together.

He removed his hand from me and grabbed a pillow and chucked it at Debbie.

"Fuck off carl you dipshit" Debbie didn't even open her eyes but automatically knew it was carl.

"Sorry for disturbing you" I kindly say in a sweet high voice.
"Wait" Debbie said.
"What do you want" carl screeches.
I'm already half way downstairs and heard Debbie say "who's that girl? She seems nice, tell her I said sorry for shouting"
Debbie seems like such a sweet person.
"Hmm" carl said annoyed.

I went downstairs with a smile on my face and heard steps coming after me, it obviously was carl. He went to the fridge and got himself a beer.
"Want one babygurl?" He smirked.
I cringed and said
"no thanks, I don't drink in the morning"

He went and sat on the sofa and taped the seat next to him to signal me to come and sit next to him. I did. His arm went over my shoulder and rested it there. I tilt my head and leaned on his shoulder. I could tell he was smiling. The tv was on and he was watching fast and furious. I always found that movie boring.
"Do you mind if I can have a shower here?" I ask
"Yeh sure" he said.
He removed his arm from me and grabbed my thigh as he was getting up.

I followed him and he showed the shower. He knew I didn't want to wear the same clothes so he gave me a large top of his. It was an nirvana band top.
"Thanks carl" I smiled at him.
He went into his bedroom waiting for me.

"Shit" I mumble.
I turn the shower tap of and squeezed my damp hair. There was no fucking towel there. I step out of the shower and looked around naked for a hidden towel. There wasn't one. I slowly unlocked the door and peeped my head out.
"Carl....carl..CARL" I yell.
Footsteps ran up the stairs.
"Woohh" he awkwardly laughs.
The only thing he saw was my face.
"Towel?" I asked with a awkward laugh aswell.
He chucked it at me and caught it with one hand.
"Thanks" I smile, then shut the door
"I'll be in my room if you want me" he yells through the door.


I quickly dry myself and walked into Carl's bedroom. He stood there with his mouth open since I had a towel covering me.
"Il- I'll go" he stutters
"No it's fine you don't need to go, just turn around"
He turns around.
"You got any moisturiser" I added
"Yeh, the bottom left corner in the cabinet" he says.

I slide on my red lacy underwear and put on my matching bra too. I place my foot on his bed and started moisturising my legs and made my way higher to my neck. He turns around after I stopped moisturising. I wasn't facing him to know that he was looking.
Cold hands was placed on my waist behind me and I flinched, he started to get lower.
He gently kissed my neck and without control I let out a small moan. 'Shitttttttt I don't want to turn him on' I thought to myself.
I turn around. Face to face. He leaned in to kiss me but I put my fingers on his top lip and made my way down to his bottom lip. His hands moved to my ass and he gripped it. I grab his hands and move it onto his chest.

I snatched the nirvana top which was on his bed and slid that on. It was like a mini dress.
I ran towards the stairs and he chased me. At this point we were laughing. I made it halfway down the stairs until he grabbed me and carried me all the way down; bridal style. I wrapped my arm around his neck and put me down on the kitchen table, where I sat on the edge of it. I quickly put my hair in a messy bun hoping it would dry fast.
Carl stoped grinning at me and walked closer and closer. He was standing in between my Legs and cupped my face. I wrapped my legs around him. He leaned in for a kiss. All of a sudden Debbie runs down the stairs and screams
"Get a room love birds uhh"
She killed the mood. I hopped of the table and sat on a chair.
"Imma make us breakfast babygurl"
This time, I didn't mind him calling me babygurl.

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