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Edd snatched Tord's collar and lifted him up. Edd was the tallest out of the group. Edd huffed

"why the hell are you here?"
Tord just quickly answered with "I-I was just going to my apartment!" Edd squinted at tord "seems like a coincidence that We so happen to live here."

"W-who's we??" Tord questioned.


Tom grumbled as he walked over to the door. Grabbing the handle he swung open his door.

"What. The FUCK?!" Tom Hollered. Why was Tord here?! Why was the man that blew up our house here. On the 'anniversary' of when he blew up our house?!

"What are you doing here!" Tom said kinda sassy.
"Like I said before! I'm just going to my apartment!!" Tord whined as his wounds started to burn.

Toms eye shot to where Tord's arm use to be.
"The fuck happened to your arm?" Edd questioned.

Tord's eye's widened when they questioned him. "I-i got it chopped off"
"Why?!" Tom basically screeched.


Tord was still confused on how he got here. Inside Toms house with tea, or something else Tord wasn't completely sure.

"So.. why did you chop of your arm? And what happened to your face?" Tom interrogated.
Tord took a sip of the tea before he answered. "When you shot the harpoon it broke one of the seat belts.. and because of this the other latched onto my arm tighter to keep me in place.."
Tom took a small bit to take this information in. "So I did that."

"I wouldn't necessarily say that heh.." Tord scratched the back of his neck.

"The explosion did that huh. Did it knock some sense into you?" Edd flatly said.

Tord looked down and started to tear up.
"Why did I do that in the first place..." Tord question himself in his mind. "They are nice people.. WhY did I do that?!"

Todd didn't have the time to think before water started streaming down his face.

Edd looked at Tom in surprise. Tom gave a concerned look back.

It wasn't long before Tord grabbed Tom's shoulders. "Please forgive me!! I didn't know what I was doing!"

Tom did jump, but he looked at Edd for answers. Edd was like the leader of the group.
Edd sighed.

Tom hugged Tord closely, while Tord just cried and rested his head on his shoulder.

It's not okay // tomtordWhere stories live. Discover now