|01| Just Camping

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Xen's POV:

   The wind was blowing through my short cut hair as I walked through the forest to collect more wood for the fire. Me and my friends had bought out a tent to do a project for school. It was about not being around technology for a few days and how it affected us.

    I was actually doing okay. Surprisingly. I hadn't been around my phone in three days and it was more than likely that my social medias had been blowing up. Mum had probably forgotten that I hadn't got my phone and rang it about a million times..

   Hayvory wasn't doing too well at all. "How are we meant to survive without our technology?!" he groaned out. "Murphy is probably having a panic attack about how we have by now lost our two year streak on Snapchat!" Hay and his boyfriend hadn't been away from each other for more then two days at one time. Hay was definitely more relaxed about the situation even though he was low-key having a stress about it. Murphy was cute. Gay or straight, no one could deny the fact. His glossy, blonde hair always lightly fell over his right eye softly, over his black rimmed glasses. He always wore pastel coloured jumpers that covered his wrists and hands. Murphy wasn't the tallest of people and so the jumpers he wore were always a little large on him. A smile was always being worn on his face holding his main books for subjects in his arms. It was obvious why the two were together in the first place. 

    Riah was doing the worst out of all of us though. She was usually very talkative and her phone surgically glued to her left hand. Riah was the person who was least lightly to be our friend because of the type of person she was. It was really odd seeing her quiet. She just aimlessly sat there, staring off into space with her left thumb still moving, like she was texting. It sort of freaked me out but I knew that she would be fine once she got it back at the end of the week. Needless to say, the two of them were having a mental breakdown.

    I bought the firewood back and put it on the fire, making it a little bigger to keep them all warm. Hayvory was wrapped in all of his blankets and looked like a wrap or burrito. Riah was so phased out, she wasn't shivering or even acknowledging the fact that she was cold. I wrapped a blanket around her to avoid her turning into a human block of ice.

    "Do we have anything to eat? I'm starving.." Hayvory moaned. "Uhh, yeah. Let me go and get something." I replied, getting up from my small cave of blankets and warmth. I put on one of the torches and looked inside of the bag of food we'd bought with us. I found some apples and fruit. I bought a few out and threw one over to him. Riah suddenly stuck a hand out towards me, still looking blankly straight ahead. I jumped at it but slowly put an apple into her hand. She pulled her arm back into the fluffy blanket and began to eat it. I did the same.

    Soon, we had all eaten and gone into our tents. Me and Hayvory were in the same tent and Riah had bought her own to stay in. It was really cold so Hay and I huddled together in our sleeping bags. "It feels like my fingers are about to drop off.." He said as he shivered. I didn't get cold too easily so I just held onto him, trying to keep him warm. Eventually, he fell asleep and stopped shaking. I fell asleep too about an hour after Hay did. It was Riah's snoring that kept me up for a bit. Who knew that she could be so loud...


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