Lance POV

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The Great Hall was noisy as usual. Everyone was either eating, dicking around, or being entranced by the floating candles. (Those muggleborns really are easily impressed when it comes to magical stuff) The gang and I had just arrived when Luna Lovegood called us over. Luna was a 7th grade Ravenclaw with piercing blue eyes, fair skin, and practically white hair. Not as white as my friend Allura's, but close. Hunk, Pidge, Keith, Luna, and Shiro were waiting at our usual spots and when they as me approach, Hunk being Hunk, stood up and waved me over. "Lance, you are never going to believe what Pidge did!" Hunk said in the excited tone he often speaks in. I sit down and think, ultimately getting no decent result. "What did she do?" I finally ask. Hunk smiles and speaks in a hushed tone. "Pidge created a website about Lotor...! You know, the upperclassmen Slytherin. It has a bunch of unflattering pictures of him and Pidge even got a shot of him mid-sneeze!" I smirk slowly grows on my face as I register what I was just told. 'Holy crap. This is gonna be a fun year of torturing little miss Lottie'

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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